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Pieter VanIperen

New York, United States

As a results oriented 20 year veteran of software engineering and information security, I'm an executive that has built and led several departments and programs from inception to right sized high efficiency driving impactful change across organizations. I've also co-founded multiple startups including successful exits while also failing quickly and learning even faster to pivot toward success and drive solutions. While working as a software security consultant, I have assisted regulated industries as well as law enforcement and government. As an adjunct professor and educator, I developed a curriculum to train coders to code securely. Across my career I have launched over 20 SaaS product suites, 100s of features, authored the HAZL(jADE) programming language as well as invented novel technologies - most recently a way to prove biometric liveness (patent pending). I provide vision and leadership, develop processes, invent methods and technology that are at the forefront of innovation and secure by design.

Pieter VanIperen Points
Academic 0
Author 4
Influencer 23
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 27

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

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Areas of Expertise

AI 30.01
Cybersecurity 30.11
IT Leadership 31.08
Security 30.07

Industry Experience


4 Article/Blogs
Use of Artificial Intelligence Comes With Risks
PWV Consultants
January 17, 2022
As more businesses lean toward using AI, it is important to know the risks that come with it.
Artificial intelligence is a fast-rising technology that many businesses plan to take advantage of in 2022, but as with all new technology, there are inherent risks to using AI. It is well-known that there is bias in AI, which is not the fault of the technology, but the training data used to make it function. Training data is often pulled from the internet, public data from all areas of the globe. Because humans are biased, the coded algorithm will, in turn, become biased. It wasn’t biased to start, but it ended up that way because it was inadvertently taught to “see” things differently. Now, a recent study has shown that AI can determine a person’s race from a radiology image with better accuracy than the humans that created it.

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Tags: AI, Cybersecurity

A Glitch Caused a UK Bank to Send Duplicate Payments on Christmas
PWV Consultants
January 13, 2022
Extra money in your bank account always seems nice. Until you realize it was a glitch.
The software that powers our everyday lives (and our lives are literally run on software) is often subject to problems and errors. As of late, most people hear that there’s a technology problem and automatically assume it’s a cyberattack because that’s what we’ve been dealing with for the last two years. But software can have problems that aren’t related to someone hacking it, software also has bugs and glitches. And while those terms are sometimes used interchangeably, a bug and a glitch are not the same thing.

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Tags: Security, IT Leadership

Lessons Learned From Cyberattack on Norway’s Amedia
PWV Consultants
January 10, 2022
Norway’s largest media company, Amedia, was hit with a cyberattack that brought the news to a screeching halt.
Cyberattacks have been an ongoing problem for a very long time, but most businesses didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. Some felt that, as a small business or mom and pop shop, they would never be a target of a cyberattack. Some didn’t want to take the time to handle security, concerned more with pushing products. Others simply didn’t know enough about it to address it properly. And nearly every business on the planet is behind on patching or updating systems when fixes are released. But this was before the pandemic, before the epidemic of cyberattacks really took hold and gained traction. Now that businesses have their ears perked up, security is finally coming to the forefront. But for many, it’s too little, too late.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IT Leadership

Cybersecurity Isn’t Just for Big Tech
PWV Consultants
January 03, 2022
Cybersecurity is all the talk today, but it’s important to remember that it’s not just for Big Tech. Cybersecurity is vital to the survival of all businesses.
October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the tech world was bursting with news. Not because of the month, but because new vulnerabilities and new exploits combined with both new and old tactics keep it there. Both consumers and business leaders are taking notice, with everyone taking steps to ensure their information is safe. Still, there are businesses out there without a cybersecurity plan and without cybersecurity defenses protecting the information they house. According to a new article from, neglecting cybersecurity isn’t just risky, it’s reckless.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IT Leadership

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Pieter VanIperen