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Matt Palmer

Director at Jersey Cyber Security Centre

London, United Kingdom

Matt Palmer is a cybersecurity professional and leader, Director of Jersey Cyber Security Centre. In this role, he established and leads a new national cyber defence capability for the people of Jersey, working with organisations across the jurisdiction to prepare for, protect and defend against cyber threats. Matt is an experienced Chief Information Security Officer and technology leader for large global financial services companies, as well as a non-executive director and commissioner of a financial regulator. He has won several awards for leadership in cybersecurity.

Matt Palmer Points
Academic 0
Author 56
Influencer 18
Speaker 29
Entrepreneur 90
Total 193

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 1-10
Company Founded Date: 2024

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 31.15
Careers 30.52
Cybersecurity 35.99
Digital Disruption 31.81
Digital Transformation 30.49
Emerging Technology
FinTech 31.72
IT Leadership 38.26
Leadership 30.11
National Security 40.94
Privacy 31.89
Risk Management 30.56
Security 30.22

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


44 Article/Blogs
Breaking Down Cybersecurity: The Real Meaning Behind the Jargon
Matt Palmer
April 27, 2024
Cyber security is often conflated with the term confidentiality, but that is not correct. Traditionally, professionals tend to define it as being about confidentiality, integrity and availability (known as the CIA triad), but that's not quite right either. So what is it?

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Applying agile principles to public sector change
Import from wordpress feed
March 21, 2024
Shortly after 2001, I was one of many to sign the agile manifesto for
software development. This document went on to start a global movement and
change how technology change is done: from grandiose projects that often
failed, to iterative change that often delivered.

But agile principles can be

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Why is Jersey introducing a new Cyber Security Law?
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March 11, 2024
under our proposed new Cyber Security Law, Jersey Cyber Security Centre
(JCSC) will have no power to fine or penalise bad behaviour. We will have
no power to insist, unless through adoption of our recommendations by an
existing business or regulator. No power to name and shame those who don't

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Why is Jersey introducing a new Cyber Security Law?
March 10, 2024
In recent year organisations have adopted new technologies and systems faster than ever before. That's even more the case in an innovative digital island such as Jersey - and in doing so, they’ve opened up new opportunities that have benefited our economy and society.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Challenging password dogma
Matt Palmer
February 25, 2024
Passwords should be the easiest area of security. Every organisation has a password policy. Every organisation used passwords. Everyone at every organisation uses passwords. Everyone has been trained how to do it. And everyone has been doing it for a very long time.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

10 steps to effective board leadership on cyber security
Matt Palmer
February 21, 2024
The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report has consistently ranked cyber attacks among the top seven risks facing the planet in terms of likelihood and impact, while high-profile CEOs including Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase see them as the number-one threat to business.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

10 steps to effective board leadership on cyber security
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February 20, 2024
Boards and non executive directors can lead from the front on cyber
security and reduce risk for your organisation. Yet sometimes it is not
easy to find a path forward to engage in a technical area. Here are 10
practice suggestions to take forward with your cyber security leader.

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Tags: Cybersecurity

When Cyber Security Board Reports Fall Short
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February 19, 2024
Reporting cyber security to the board involves a delicate balance. Cyber
security technical details need to be turned into strategic plans that
match the organization's risk tolerance and business goals. Here’s how it
can go wrong, and what it takes to get it right.

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Does moving to the cloud mean compromising on security?
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February 18, 2024

Will moving to the cloud improve cyber security, or are cloud services an unnecessary cyber risk?

The transition to cloud computing is an evolution that many organisations are still undertaking to improve efficiency, scalability, and flexibility in their operations. Cloud services offer recogn

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Tags: Cybersecurity

How to get fast board buy-in for your cyber security project
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February 14, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Lessons from the MGM cyber attack
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February 14, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Project assurance skills and Prince 2 for IT auditors
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February 13, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

A personal experience of CISSP boot camp
Matt Palmer
February 11, 2024
Information risk and security is an infinite field of work and study. You can spend your whole life trying to gain the width or depth of knowledge necessary to do the job competently, and every day feel you know a little less than the day before.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

A personal experience of CISSP boot camp
Import from wordpress feed
February 11, 2024
Information risk and security is an infinite field of work and study. You can spend your whole life trying to gain the width or depth of knowledge necessary to do the job competently, and every day feel you know a little less than the day before.At the same time, it’s one of the least mature profe

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Should I get CISSP Certified?
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February 11, 2024
The focus of CISSP is purely Information Security. Having said that, its a very big field. CISSP’s reputation as a certification is for being ‘a mile wide and an inch deep’. In fact it’s so wide that rather like the Great Wall of China, you can probably see it from space.That, and not techni

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Should I get CISM Certified?
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February 11, 2024
The Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM) qualification is provided by ISACA, and roughly on a par with it’s CISA IT audit qualification.It is a certification for IT security managers, and like CISA tries to strike a balance between technical IT knowledge and business understanding, with a

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Should I get CISA Certified?
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February 11, 2024
CISA is possibly the one ‘pure’ Information systems audit qualification that is recognised anywhere. It is balanced between technical IT knowledge and business understanding.There are other IT audit certifications – from the IIA’s aborted QiCA to supporting CPA type accounting quals and

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Tags: Cybersecurity

List of IT Audit Professional Bodies & Certifications
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February 10, 2024
The below list covers the key professional bodies and certifications to consider as part of an IT Audit career. Bear in mind that there are many different routes and the qualifications that are right for you will depend on your interests, professional background, current role, and goals.Academic stu

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Tags: Cybersecurity

What do auditors do all day?
Matt Palmer
February 09, 2024
If you’ve ever sat at your desk wondering what exactly the bunch of outsiders hanging out in the audit room find to do with their time, or if you’re thinking of a career in audit but just can’t figure out what you will actually be doing all day, this is the article for you.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

An introduction to IT Audit & Information Assurance careers
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February 09, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Top qualities for a good IT auditor
Matt Palmer
February 08, 2024
Training and experience are well and good, but the truth is some people are just not cut out for professional audit and security roles. Others take years to realise that it’s the prefect fit for their them. Here we look at the top personality traits that help or hinder, and asks what auditors can do to address them.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Arthur Miller on Auditing
Matt Palmer
February 08, 2024
A little known fact about that great American playwright Arthur Miller is that, when not busy shacking up with Marilyn Monroe, he spent much of his time writing some of the most incisive articles on audit and auditors ever written. Why then, you might ask, have I not heard of them? Why have I not read them? You probably have.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Good auditor or bad auditor – which are you?
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February 08, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Understanding audit and risk
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February 08, 2024
Updated from the original published on July 4, 2010

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Arthur Miller on Auditing
Import from wordpress feed
February 07, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity

2 Board Memberships
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Jersey Financial Services Commission
January 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

January 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Disruption, FinTech

1 Executive
Jersey Cyber Security Centre
Jersey Cyber Security Centre
January 01, 2022

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, National Security

1 Founder
Channel Islands Information Security Forum
Channel Islands Information Security Forum
January 01, 2014

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, IT Leadership, Privacy

3 Influencer Awards
Jersey Tech Awards - Cybersecurity Award
Digital Jersey
April 26, 2024

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

CSO30 Top Chief Information Security Officer
CSO Online
September 01, 2020

See publication

Tags: Leadership

Security Leader of the Year Award
Information Age
September 01, 2018

See publication

Tags: Leadership

2 Keynotes
Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference
Channel Islands Cyber Security Conference
January 10, 2023

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, National Security

Wall St Journal Europe Conference
Wall St Journal
January 01, 2016

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

4 Media Interviews
TV: Artificial Intelligence
August 08, 2023

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

A Day in the Life of a CISO: Matt Palmer, Willis Towers Watson
Wall Street Journal
December 15, 2017
(This is the fourth in a regular series of features that outlines a typical day in the life of a chief information security officer, who are at the front lines of defending organizations against the rising tide of cybercrime.)

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Being a CISO in a changing threat and regulatory landscape
Information Age Magazine
January 01, 2007

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IT Leadership, Leadership

We are only as strong as our weakest link
Jersey Evening Post
December 31, 1969

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

1 Podcast
Does Cybercrime pay?
Bailiwick Express
January 01, 2023

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

2 Profiles
Wall St Journal Profile - Matt Palmer, cybersecurity
Wall St Journal
December 17, 2017
Profile in Wall Street Journal

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

InfoSecurity Magazine
InfoSecurity Magazine
January 01, 2012

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, IT Leadership

2 Speaking Engagements
ISF Annual Congress
January 01, 2016

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

InfoSecurity Europe Conference
InfoSecurity Europe
January 01, 2014

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

3 Videos
Careers in cybersecurity
Jersey Cyber Security Centre
January 10, 2024

See publication

Tags: Careers, Cybersecurity

Responding to emerging threats
Jersey Cyber Security Centre
October 01, 2022

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

What is a CERT?
Jersey Cyber Security Centre
October 01, 2022

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity

1 Webinar
InfoSecurity Magazine
January 04, 2018

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Privacy

Thinkers360 Credentials

7 Badges




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