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Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Lead Trainer, Consultant, Speaker & Chief Transformation Officer at Cosdef Global Institute for Business and Technology

Houston, United States

With a rich experience stretching more than a decade and 20 countries in North America, the Middle East, and Africa, I am a rising professional who thrives in diverse industries including Software Development, Higher Education, Microfinance, Youth Development, Startup Investment, and beyond. My journey is marked by collaborative success stories, where my contributions have consistently elevated individuals and business operations, aligning them with impactful growth and revenue enhancement.

At my core, I excel in turning profitability into a standard practice, creating ecosystems that nurture positive customer interactions and the successful achievement of targets. My approach is detail-oriented, focusing on delivering in-depth intelligence through process mapping, and innovative pattern recognition. This ensures that individuals and businesses not only stay informed but also lead.

I aim to offer strategic insights that refine business processes and exceed quality standards, advocating for a culture of continuous improvement and the integration of emerging technologies.

My expertise is broad, encompassing Agile Mindset and Digital Transformation Training, AI Business Research & Application Coaching, and Digital Leadership, among others. I am passionate about empowering others through Personal Branding in the Digital Age, Business Growth & Expansion, and comprehensive Strategy Development.

As an Idea Validation, Business Startup, and Attention Building Coach, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My experience is further enriched by overcoming personal failures in 7 businesses, providing me with invaluable insights into the pitfalls of entrepreneurship and how to navigate them successfully.

Javnyuy has been featured on over 100+ media platforms including BBC, Voice of America, Cameroon National Television, Obama Foundation, Pan African Visions Magazine, Africa Business Communities, West Africa Civil Society Institute, Cameroon CEO Magazine, Afro Hustler, theMonDaily, East African Watch, The Guardian Post Newspaper, Living African Podcast and more.

Author of 5 books. Find them on amazon:

Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to foster business innovation, growth, and transformation. Together, we can design strategies that not only meet but surpass expectations, setting new benchmarks for excellence in the digital era.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Houston, Texas
Speaking Topics: Idea Validation, Business Startup, Attention Building & Monetization, Industry Credibility Building, Business Model Development, Business Offers Creat

Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Points
Academic 60
Author 672
Influencer 69
Speaker 138
Entrepreneur 20
Total 959

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Business Unit: Business & Technology
Theatre: North America, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe.
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 1-10
Company Founded Date: 2020
Media Experience: 12 years
Last Media Training: 02/02/2024
Last Media Interview: 05/25/2024

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.10
AI 30.23
Business Continuity 68.68
Business Strategy 47.52
Careers 35.75
Change Management 33.11
Coaching 65.84
Creativity 30.32
Culture 30.10
Customer Experience
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 30.19
Digital Transformation 30.31
Digital Twins
EdTech 30.89
Education 32.84
Emerging Technology
Entrepreneurship 69.28
Finance 66.75
Future of Work 30.49
International Relations 30.78
Leadership 33.44
Lean Startup 49.75
Management 33.66
Mergers and Acquisitions
Personal Branding 40.90
Sales 36.44
Social 32.10
Startups 44.87

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


32 Article/Blogs
Business Secret Great Business Leaders Practice
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 10, 2024
Let me tell you one subtle business secret that great business leaders know and practice.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Marathon-Like Qualities You Must Have To Thrive in Business – Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 29, 2024
Marathon-Like Qualities You Must Have To Thrive in Business

In my teenage years (early secondary school days), I took part in a marathon and it was not a good experience. Don’t laugh at me if you have never taken part in one.

Few years ago, I witnessed the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope. In the beautiful city of Buea, at the foot of Mount Cameroon, the air is crisp, and the challenge is loud. Athletes from around the world gather yearly, each with their eyes on the finish line of one of the most demanding marathons on the planet.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

13-15 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career – Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 27, 2024
13-15 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career.

Someone just told me "Please do not end at 15."

Few days ago, I started sharing some things I wish I knew early in my career.

So far, I have shared 1-12 and today I will share 13-15. Check my previous posts.

Here we go.

13. Feeling inferior and not hanging around higher-level people early enough.

Feeling inferior can destroy your destiny. I wish early on in my career I knew that hanging around higher-level people would change my life and career. People who are high level in mental intelligence, higher level in financial success, high level in career growth, and all core areas of life will change your life. You know that saying about being the average of the five people you spend the most time with? It's SO true ooh (Shouting in my Nso voice).

Hear me, high-level individuals often inspire innovation, encourage risk-taking, and provide invaluable mentorship. They can offer diverse perspectives, challenge our thinking, and push us beyond our comfort zones.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

One Ingredient for Creating Incredible Things in Career & Business – Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 20, 2024
The Ingredient for Creating Incredible Things in Career & Business

I am sure you would agree with me that our world is full of talent and untapped potential, a crucial ingredient that often goes missing.

This ingredient is the fuel that propels the talented and the intelligent beyond mediocrity into extraordinary achievement.

Yet, many gifted individuals find themselves perched on the fence of greatness, unable to take the leap. Why? Because talent without this ingredient is like a vehicle without fuel – it simply won’t go far.

Research and countless success stories have underscored a powerful truth: brains and talent, without this ingredient, rarely lead to the creation of incredible things.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Coaching, Leadership

The Money You Have Now is...
Javnyuy Joybert
February 29, 2024
The most impactful innovations and breakthroughs demand significant investments of resources, dedication, and intellect.

Reflecting on the innovation behind the internet, I pondered:

How many hours of collective thought went into it?
What was the financial cost?
What caliber of minds were dedicated to its development?

So, here's a something to think about;

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching

Put Your Secret Weapon to Work - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
November 22, 2023
In a world full with diversity and individual talents, recognizing and harnessing your unique gift is crucial.

This distinct gift separates you apart and can be your pathway to success. Often, people struggle with chaos and uncertainty because they haven't identified or appreciated their inherent gift.

Understanding and applying your unique gift, which is like a secret weapon, is essential in making significant strides in life.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Creativity

Poverty Consciousness I Have Observed Among Cameroonians (Africans) - Javnyuy Joybert
Mr. Remarkable's Perspectives
February 04, 2022
What I am sharing is from my personal observation and I do not expect you to agree to all the points raised. I have been providing training in the areas of career growth, business startup and expansion, personal productivity, wealth creation ecosystem among others in the last 11 years across Africa. I have experienced first hand, seen and heard so much. Permit me share my 6 point observation with you out of the 13 I have written down already.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy

14 Signs You are a Millennial Professional Potential Disaster (Born between 1980 & 2000)
Javnyuy Joybert
October 05, 2020
14 Signs You are a Millennial Professional Potential Disaster (Born between 1980 & 2000) - Africa's Context

1. You cannot design a PowerPoint and do a stellar presentation
2. You cannot use Microsoft word professionally create attention spiking documents reports etc.
3. You cannot use Microsoft excel to carry out basic calculations, numbers presentation or data visualization
4. You cannot use social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc professionally to drive career and business growth
5. You cannot use basic virtual team collaboration tools like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft teams, google docs, google drive etc. to achieve organization goals

This is a follow up to a post I made yesterday titled Born Between 1980 to 2000? By Javnyuy Joybert. Read here

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Born Between 1980 to 2000? by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
October 03, 2020
On a serious note, I am worried about the future of millennials in Cameroon and other African countries where I have done some work.

The way majority of us in this age group face life and do things especially when it comes to career and professional decisions I wonder if we know that Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) are and will represent 50 percent of workers in 2020. Moreover, 2025 it is projected we will represent 75% of the workforce.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Disruption, Future of Work

Application Open: The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship
September 30, 2020
The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship is a premier program of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa – The Pan African Professional Institute.
As people, technologies, businesses, workplaces and lifestyles continue to evolve; professionals will need to evolve along with them. The strong purpose of the fellowship is to take professionals through the process of laying down the groundwork for what is coming and how they can take advantage. The fellowship desire...

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Be a Chief Inspiration Officer (CIO) by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
August 22, 2020
What does it mean to be a Chief Inspiration Officer? This means you have the ability to be self-inspired and to be an inspiration to many others.

To operate from the place of interior greatness and exponential results you need to be super inspired. Are you inspired? What inspires you? Do you inspire others?

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The RCV Business Growth Protocol by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
August 21, 2020
The RCV Business Growth Protocol by Javnyuy Joybert

As an entrepreneur or businessperson, you are in business it means you want to be successful, after all who does not want to be successful? No one

One of the biggest questions man business people often ask is “How do I drive growth?”

There are many ways to drive growth in business and in this article I will be sharing with you one of my deep insights in driving business growth.

The RCV Business Growth Protocol has engineered incredible results in my business and that of my clients. Let me deconstruct the protocol for you

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Management

African Businesses Post COVID-19: The 4 Point Factors by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
August 02, 2020
African Businesses Post COVID-19: The 4 Point Factors by Javnyuy Joybert

Here are my thoughts; across the continent, we will have incredible business opportunities post COVID-19 in what my fellow experts are now calling the "novel economy"

Out of the many thing key things I think African businesses and leaders should do to thrive and not just survive post COVID-19, let me share some thoughts about these four

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Tags: Business Continuity, COVID19, Digital Transformation

Leading a Small Business in Chaotic Times – Part 2: The 2 Dynamic Actions by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
June 14, 2020
With the changes happening in the business world as a result of COVID-19, small business owners must intentionally be proactive. How a small business owner and entrepreneur respond to this crisis will determine whether the business will still be functional few months from now.

Business leaders should tap into COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for growth, development, and greater future success. Just as a crisis can destroy, it can also be a time of rebirth and positive change...

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Business Continuity, COVID19

Leading a Small Business in Chaotic Times – Part 1: The 4 Core Questions to Answer By Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
May 23, 2020
Startupers and owners of small businesses are actually going through a lot of stress and tension now to keep their vision alive. As a small business owner, key resources are always scarce in normal times. Financial resources are limited, the manpower is limited, equipment is get more challenging when leading a small business in chaotic times because with one wrong move and the business is dead. In short, what I mean is small businesses do not have the required resources to weather shocks like COVID-19 is our lifestyle to solve problems. It is our responsibility to manage the COVID-19 chaos before it destroys our businesses.

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Tags: Lean Startup, Business Continuity, COVID19

You (I) Have to Repent From These Words During These Times
Javnyuy Joybert
May 19, 2020
You (I) Have to Repent From These Words
Positive language! Such a powerful lifestyle but no intentional focus to practice. "The wrong language or words have the power to form the wrong belief system in someone especially children & teen-agers" Javnyuy

The world is going through trying times because of COVID-19 Pandemic and this is time to be kind

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Tags: Social, Diversity and Inclusion, COVID19

3 Personalities We Should Express From Henceforward This 2020 By Javnyuy Joybert
May 02, 2020
3 Personalities We Should Express From Henceforward This 2020 By Javnyuy Joybert

I have been home for the last 6 weeks+ and serving my clients remotely and I have learned a lot about myself, my business operations, products, love, relationship and much more. I will like to share some 3 personalities that I have developed myself intentionally in the last couple of weeks working from home.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Leadership

This Entrepreneurship Thing is Greatly Misunderstood?
Javnyuy Joybert on Facebook
April 22, 2020
This Entrepreneurship Thing is Greatly Misunderstood?

Feeling intimidated because everyone around you claim to be a founder or CEO in the name of being an entrepreneur? Don't be! And am not saying it's wrong to be a founder or CEO. This Entrepreneurship thing has so much been misinterpreted to starting & running a Venture.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, HR

Take the Entrepreneurial Mindset Test by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
April 22, 2020
Take the Entrepreneurial Mindset Test by Javnyuy Joybert and share your test results by sharing your final points and Mindset level.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

Entrepreneurs Growth Plugs – Episode 10: Strategic Skill Utilization by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
April 16, 2020
If you are thinking of starting a business, you will need a set of entrepreneurial skills to succeed in today’s competitive market. You must possess the basic skills necessary to enable you to start, develop, finance, and market your own home business enterprises.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup

The 5 Simple Money Defining Truths for Young People
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
April 14, 2020
Young people of today are venturing into a world that will test their ability to lead the same lives as previous generations.

More than ever before, equipping young people for financial success today requires that they first know about money. Here are some simple money defining truths that you should know if you’re a young person.

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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Social

Difficult Moments (COVID-19): What You Should Be Doing – Javnyuy Joybert
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March 20, 2020
We humans are the most incredible creations to walk this earth so we make the decisions not some damn virus.

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Tags: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, COVID19

Entrepreneurs Growth Plugs Series – Episode 6 Responding to Entrepreneurial Challenges by Javnyuy Joybert
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March 19, 2020
....their mentality towards a challenge determines their next reality.

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Tags: Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs Growth Plugs – Episode 5 The Entrepreneur’s Must Ask Questions by Javnyuy Joybert
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March 14, 2020
I strongly believe that in the business environment, the ability to...Read

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs Growth Plugs – Episode 4: Listen and Listen Again and Continue to Listen by Javnyuy Joybert
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March 10, 2020
"With only your perspective and opinion you will understand so little but with others opinions and perspectives you understand all round"

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

20 Author Newsletters
How to Craft Solutions That Outshine Existing Solutions in Your Target Market || Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 13, 2024
Over the years, through my work in startup business consulting, I have collaborated with numerous incubators and accelerators in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and other nations.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Create Your Personal AI Road Map - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 09, 2024
So many people have been worried that AI will take their jobs or wipe out their professions.

Since AI became so popular, in leading sessions with teams and employability sessions with university students and job seekers, I always say that AI will not replace anyone; it is people who know how to use AI that will replace people who are ignorant.

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Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Poverty Indoctrination in Africa Through the Education System? by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 07, 2024
This article explores my argument that Africa's education system unintentionally fosters a cycle of poverty in the young people. Drawing from my experience of being a high school teacher and a university lecturer in Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria and being a speaker and trainer who has traveled across 15 African nations to speak in youth events.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Why Your Endless Hard Work Have Not Yielded Results in Career & Business.
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 03, 2024
Why Your Endless Hard Work Have Not Yielded Results in Career & Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

A young man reached out to me and asked for coaching, and in one of his messages, he said, "I have done everything I know and yet nothing is moving in my business."

In the course of talking with him, we discussed a few things regarding his business, and one of the things we spoke about is what I want to share with you today.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Why Your Endless Hard Work Have Not Yielded Results in Career & Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 03, 2024
A young man reached out to me and asked for coaching, and in one of his messages, he said, "I have done everything I know and yet nothing is moving in my business."

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How to Get More Business Opportunities as a Service Provider by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 01, 2024
I recently had the opportunity of speaking at an online event organized by a vibrant community of West African professionals, predominantly from Nigeria and Ghana.

This community is made up of digital service providers specializing in a diverse range of services from website building and app development to social media management and graphic design.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

2 Signs You Are Not Ready to be an Entrepreneur – Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 30, 2024
If you are considering stepping into entrepreneurship, there are a few signs that might suggest you are not quite ready...Read more

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups

The Foundations of Longevity in Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 29, 2024
The Foundations of Longevity in Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Back in late 2022, my office in Douala, Cameroon, turned into a lively hub where young entrepreneurs gathered regularly.

We would meet to talk, share ideas, and figure out how we could help each other grow.

These meetings were full of life and very hands-on, which made everyone feel like they were part of something special.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Startups

The ignored soft Skill That Can Destroy Your life & career as a leader - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 28, 2024
In my entrepreneurial and professional journey, I have the privilege to lead and serve in different leadership capacities. I have learned a thing or two from my practical experience.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

This is Destroying Many in This Generation. Are You Involved? - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 09, 2024
Let me explain in my own words what vanity metrics are. My personal view of vanity metrics involves focusing on superficial aspects, such as social media popularity without real substance, and valuing material things like fancy cars and clothes, using these to measure your success and significance in life.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Stop Believing This Lie: The Truth About Achieving Top-Tier Success - Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
April 08, 2024
The notion that remarkable achievements in life are exclusively reserved for a select group of extraordinary individuals is a big lie. This belief system is not only limiting but also detrimental to your personal growth and achievement. - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Is This How to Attain Sustainable Success? - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 07, 2024
I was reading an article in which one of the world's most successful venture capitalists said something critical.

He said, "If you’re starting out, stick to what you know. It's wise to focus on your area of expertise rather than venturing into sectors that you aren’t familiar with."

I think many people, after 5 to 10 to 20 years and even beyond, find it difficult more

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Branding

Transform Your Money, Network, and Career: The Unstuck Method by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
April 05, 2024
A young lady from one of the online communities reached out to me and told me that for the last three years, she has been feeling stuck. She went further to say that after taking a critical look at her life over the last three years, she thinks it's not just a feeling but that she is indeed stuck. She mentioned she is stuck career-wise, network-wise, and financially.

I had an intense discussion with her, and among the many things we spoke about, the activities I challenged her to do stood out. She came back a few weeks ago and said that of all the things we discussed and she acted upon, something in particular changed everything for her.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Rejection is Not an Invitation to Stagnation - Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
April 04, 2024
A few weeks ago, I was rejected from an opportunity I was pursuing and really needed to materialize into something great. Due to the impact of this rejection, I almost decided not to try again. Then, as I was pondering, this phrase hit me: "Rejection is Not an Invitation to Stagnation." Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How Personal Brand on Social Media Contribute to Financial Success - Joybert Javnyuy
Javnyuy Joybert
April 02, 2024
In a group WhatsApp call with a couple of friends, we were talking about various topics, and one of my friends asked me a question. He said, "How does a personal brand on social media really contribute to someone's financial growth?"

I extensively spoke about this and shared some examples. However, for the sake of this brief article, let me share a few:

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

Marathon-Like Qualities You Must Have To Thrive in Business – Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 29, 2024
In my teenage years (early secondary school days), I took part in a marathon and it was not a good experience. Don't laugh at me if you have never taken part in one.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Activate Your Emotional Thermostat – Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 28, 2024
While on a coaching call with a lady, I asked her an unexpected question: "Did you regulate the thermostat in your house today to achieve the desired temperature?"

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Humble Beginnings to Profitability Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 17, 2024
The saying of never underestimating humble beginnings has not only become a time-honored saying but also a foundational principle behind the world's greatest companies.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

5 +2 Startup Lessons From DHL's Early Days - Javnyuy Joybert
March 17, 2024
I vividly recall the moment years ago I received my first international package from the USA, delivered straight to me in Kumbo, a semi-urban locale in the North West Region of Cameroon, all thanks to DHL. Few days to receiving the parcel, I was not sleeping well (smiles).

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Overcome Weak Foundation
Javnyuy Joybert
February 23, 2024
Imagine a young tree, its roots digging deep into the earth. It stands tall, branches reaching for the sky. But what if those roots were planted in rocky soil? What if they were entangled with weeds and thorns? The tree might grow, but its foundation would be weak, its future uncertain.

Do you agree?

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Tags: Careers, Change Management, Coaching

7 Books
How to Achieve Financial Stability And Sustainability by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 28, 2024
In this comprehensive blueprint for financial success, Dr. Javnyuy Joybert offers a step-by-step guide to achieving and maintaining financial stability and sustainability.

From understanding the fundamentals of personal finance to developing effective budgeting strategies and investment plans, Dr. Joybert equips readers with the tools and knowledge needed to take control of their financial well-being.

With practical tips, real-life examples, and actionable advice, this book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to build a solid financial foundation and create a future of financial freedom.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Finance

40+ Business Models and Examples: Practical Ways Different Businesses Make Money by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 25, 2024
"40+ Business Models & Examples: Practical Ways Different Businesses Make Money" by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert is a comprehensive guide to understanding how businesses generate revenue.

The book offers a practical and accessible approach to exploring the different business models used by companies today, with over 40 real-world examples to illustrate each model. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or student of business, this book will provide you with valuable insights into the diverse ways companies can monetize their products and services.

With clear explanations and practical tips, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their understanding of the business world.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups

Skyrocket Your Profits: 30 Marketing & Sales Proven Strategies to Boost Your Sales in Small Business by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
February 15, 2023
Skyrocket Your Profits: 30 Marketing & Sales Proven Strategies to Boost Your Sales in Small Business by Javnyuy Joybert

"Skyrocket Your Profits: 30 Marketing & Sales Proven Strategies to Boost Your Sales" is a tactical book to increasing your business revenue written by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert.

This transformational book provides readers with actionable techniques for improving their marketing and sales efforts, resulting in increased profits and success. Drawing on years of experience and research, Dr. Joybert covers tactical topics, giving readers a thorough understanding of how to maximize their sales and profits.

Whether you're a small business owner, sales professional, or marketing expert, "Skyrocket Your Profits" provides the tools and strategies needed to take your sales to the next level.

Get ready to increase your revenue and achieve your business goals with this must-read guide by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Sales

From CPO to CEO: From Chief Procrastination Officer to Chief Execution Officer
Javnyuy Joybert
February 15, 2023
"From Chief Procrastination Officer to Chief Execution Officer" is a transformational book written by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert that provides readers with practical strategies to overcome procrastination and become more productive.

This book helps readers understand the root causes of procrastination and how to change their habits and thought patterns to become more focused and goal-oriented. Dr. Joybert's comprehensive approach breaks down unique key elements, making this book a must-read for anyone looking to break free from the cycle of procrastination and achieve their full potential.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, student, or professional, this book will provide you with the tools you need to become a Chief Execution Officer and turn your aspirations into realities.

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Management

Building, Managing & Monetizing Attention: How to Make Money From Social Media & Physical Attention by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
February 13, 2023
"Building, Managing & Monetizing Attention: How to Make Money From Social Media & Physical Attention" by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert is a practical book on harnessing the power of attention for business success.

The book covers both social media and physical attention, providing a thorough understanding of how to build, manage, and monetize these valuable assets. The author offers practical insights to illustrate the concepts, making this book a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketing professionals.

Whether you're looking to increase your online visibility or expand your reach in the physical world, this book provides the tools and insights you need to succeed. If you're serious about leveraging attention to grow your business and increase your revenue, this book is a must-read.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Personal Branding

The Business Idea Handbook: Finding Business Ideas in Unexpected Places by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
February 13, 2023
"The Business Idea Handbook - Finding Business Ideas in Unexpected Places" is a transformational book to discovering new and innovative business opportunities, written by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert.

In this book, Dr. Joybert shares his proven method for uncovering hidden business ideas in unexpected places and turning them into successful ventures.

He teaches readers how to identify untapped opportunities, spot trends, and see opportunities where others see obstacles. The book is filled with practical exercises, case studies, and real-life examples to help readers cultivate a creative and entrepreneurial mindset. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur looking to start a business, or a seasoned business owner seeking new ideas.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups

Business Lessons From Drug Cartel Lords: 17 Lessons To Learn & Execute by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
February 13, 2023
"Business Lessons From Drug Cartel Lords: 17 Lessons To Learn & Execute" by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert is a unique and thought-provoking book that offers a fresh perspective on business success.

The author draws upon the tactics and strategies of drug cartel lords (documentaries) to provide 17 valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders. From building a strong network to understanding the importance of flexibility and adaptation, this book provides insights that can be applied to a wide range of businesses and industries. The lessons are presented in an easy-to-follow format.

Whether you're a seasoned business professional or just starting out, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to take their business to the next level.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Change Management

7 eBooks
How to Create Personal & Small business AI Road Map by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 10, 2024
Learn the steps to confidently embracing AI with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's latest framework, How to Create Personal & Small Business AI Road Map: Overcome Fear of AI. This concise guide offers transformative insights and practical steps to help you conquer your apprehensions about AI.

Dive into this empowering resource and start your journey towards mastering AI in your personal and professional life. Download now to revolutionize your future!

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Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

7 Tips to Showcase Your Abilities Using Your Online Portfolio (Freelancer) by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 07, 2024
"7 Tips to Showcase Your Abilities Using Your Online Portfolio (Freelancer)" by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy offers essential advice for service providers and entry-level entrepreneurs. This guide is designed to help you capture the attention of potential clients and effectively display your skills through your online portfolio.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

Behavioral Transformational Framework for Mentees in a Mentorship Relationship by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 06, 2024
Behavioral Transformational Framework for Mentees in a Mentorship Relationship by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Discover the transformative potential of Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's Behavioral Transformational Framework for Mentees. Unlock unprecedented personal and professional growth in your mentorship journey. Download now to begin your transformation!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

Framework for Building an Evolving Mindset and Lifestyle by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 26, 2024
Framework for Building an Evolving Mindset and Lifestyle by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

This 11-step framework is designed to guide individuals and institutions through the process (framework) of building an evolving mindset and lifestyle.

In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to evolve is more crucial than ever. This 11-step framework offers a comprehensive path for individuals and institutions committed to fostering an evolving mindset and lifestyle. This guide is crafted to inspire transformation, encourage deep reflection, and prompt meaningful action.

By embracing this journey, you unlock the potential to navigate complexity and cultivate a life rich with innovation and growth. This framework is your blueprint for personal and professional evolution, a map to thriving in an ever-changing landscape.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

COVID-19 (Crisis) Response Maneuvers for Professionals & Entrepreneurs by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
May 13, 2020
COVID-19 (Crisis) Response Maneuvers for Professionals & Entrepreneurs is an eBook with 10 proposed Response Maneuvers for African professionals and entrepreneurs in this time of global crisis.

Be Focus, Courageous & Strong Spirited

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, COVID19

Entrepreneurial Mind-Set Test
Javnyuy Joybert
April 23, 2020
This is an exciting brief test for you. Do you desire to be an entrepreneur? Are you already an entrepreneur? Do you have the right entrepreneurial mindset?

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

Career & Finance Growth Secrets For Youth By Javnyuy Joybert & Mbong Kimbi
Javnyuy Joybert and Mbong Kimbi
April 01, 2020
Welcome to the moment of expansion and progress in your career and finance. When you grow your competence it automatically affect your career and financial growth. There is a direct relationship. The growth secrets we have shared here are practical all they need for magic to happen is you and your action spirit.

In this life, you receive only what you put in. Your willingness to grow and sacrifice will directly determine your level of success. This e-book is that opportunity to grow. Achieving massive success requires countless leaps out of your comfort zone.

Cheers to your success in this life.

Kimbi Lizette and Javnyuy Joybert (Mr Remarkable)

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Tags: Social, Entrepreneurship, Business Continuity

1 Founder
5 Pieces of Advice for Job Seekers When Dealing with Startup Companies
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
June 17, 2019
Javnyuy Joybert’s 5 Pieces of Advice for Job Seekers When Dealing with Startup Companies

Last week, I was leading a recruitment session for one of our clients. This client needed to recruit 5 new team members who will man the technical, marketing, and administrative departments. This is a fast-growing startup that is going places (bright future).

With the over 10 candidates that showed up for the different positions, I had a brief session with them before we started the interview session. I wanted to handle some misconceptions that job seekers have especially about startups in Cameroon. These misconceptions cause them to remain unemployed meanwhile they could contribute to the economy while growing their skillset.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, HR, Startups

4 Influencer Awards
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Named 2024 Men To Watch Honoree by Black Leaders Worldwide
Black Leaders Worldwide
May 01, 2024
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Named 2024 Men To Watch Honoree by Black Leaders Worldwide

With a rich experience spanning over a decade and across 20 countries in North America, the Middle East, and Africa, he is a rising professional flourishing in various industries.

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Tags: Coaching

Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Among the Top 100 Thought Leaders in North America
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 30, 2024
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Among the Top 100 Thought Leaders in North America

Dr. Joybert Javnyuy has been honored as one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders and Influencers in North America by Thinkers360.

Thinkers360 employs a rigorous evaluation methodology that assesses influencers beyond mere social media metrics to include real-world influence and substantial professional contributions. This thorough process ensures that recognized thought leaders like Dr. Javnyuy are celebrated for their genuine achievements and significant impacts in their respective fields.

Over the years, Dr. Javnyuy has dedicated his expertise to empowering individuals and institutions worldwide, traveling to over 20 countries across four continents to speak and train. His innovative frameworks and concepts have continually transformed the organizations and people he serves and collaborate with.

As a 7-time founder who has faced significant challenges, including the massive failure of 4 ventures, Dr. Javnyuy offers invaluable practical insights to professionals and corporate leaders alike. He is also a 5-time published author whose works contribute extensively to the discourse in business innovation and leadership.

This recognition by Thinkers360 not only underscores Dr. Javnyuy's influential status but also highlights his ongoing commitment to fostering growth and excellence in the global business community.

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Tags: Coaching

Javnyuy Joybert: 2020 100 Most Influential Young Africans
Africa Youth Awards
November 03, 2020
Leading PR & Rating firm, Avance Media and Africa Youth Awards have announced the 5th annual publication of the 100 Most Influential Young Africans list for 2020 curated to recognize young Africans for their outstanding contributions towards the development of Africa in diverse fields with Javnyuy Joybert making the list

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

Who Is Javnyuy Joybert, Africa’s Young Entrepreneur Of The Year?
Wundef and Young African Leaders Summit
November 14, 2019
Javnyuy Joybert shocked the business world when he was voted the Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the just ended Young African Leaders Summit in Accra, Ghana. But who is Javnyuy Joybert, one may ask? Well, I bring you the profile of this young inspirational entrepreneur from Cameroon.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

4 Influencer Newsletters
10-12 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career - Joybert Javnyuy
Javnyuy Joybert
March 26, 2024
10-12 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career.
Few days ago, I started sharing some things I wish I knew early in my career.
So far, I have shared 1-9 and today I will share 10-12. Check my previous posts.

Here we go.
10. Not making BIG decisions.
This is one thing I wish I had known early in my career: making BIG decisions. BIG decisions will shift a lot in your life. They change the way you think, act, and network, among many other aspects. These decisions will lead to bold, next-level actions that make your life and career grow exponentially.
Hear me, such decisions compel you to evaluate your values, goals, and priorities more deeply than ever before. They provoke a shift in perspective, encouraging you to see opportunities where others see obstacles. This isn't just about choosing a new job or launching a venture; it's about deciding to pursue a path less traveled, one that is aligned with your deepest aspirations.

Read more

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

7-9 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career - Joybert Javnyuy
Javnyuy Joybert
March 25, 2024
7-9 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career.
Few days ago, I started sharing some things I wish I knew early in my career.
So far, I have shared 1-6 and today I will share 7-9. Check my previous posts.

Here we go.
7. The power of self and external accountability. This is one thing I wish I had known early in my career: that holding myself to high standards powered by self-accountability would position me to achieve more and faster. Having external accountability, like a mentor or someone I respect, will be a game-changer. This balanced accountability model has not only propelled me towards my goals but has also instilled a deeper sense of purpose and motivation in my endeavors. I have seen the impact of this in my career in recent years.

Read more.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

4-6 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 23, 2024
4-6 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career.

So, yesterday I started sharing some things I wish I knew early in my career.

Yesterday, I shared 1-3 and today I will share 4-6.

Here we go.

4. Being selective about the information I consume. Information is powerful, and adopting an information diet can transform your life.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Do You Have The Common Thread Among Winners? – Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 21, 2024
The Common Thread Among Winners - Javnyuy Joybert

While in high school, one of my uncles said to me, "The journey to success is paved with the stones of sacrifice."

I was just reflecting on this and I decided to put it down in writing.

You see, whether in career pursuits, business ventures, or personal growth, the willingness to forgo immediate pleasures for long-term achievements is a common thread among the accomplished. Let's unpack this.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

2 Instructors
Humble Beginnings to Profitability Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 17, 2024
Humble Beginnings to Profitability Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

The saying of never underestimating humble beginnings has not only become a time-honored saying but also a foundational principle behind the world's greatest companies.

Driven by this, I have dedicated myself to devising a straightforward yet profound framework that guides entrepreneurs from modest starts to profitable growth.

Here's a unique and original 6-step framework designed to guide startup entrepreneurs towards growth and profitability. I also call it the VACSSS Framework:

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Visionary Business Launch With Limited Resources Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Cosdef Global Institute for Business and Technology
March 17, 2024
Are you eager to turn your bold ideas into reality, but constrained by limited resources? This transformative framework (guide) provides the keys to success, offering innovative strategies and actionable insights.

Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, this framework will empower you to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve your goals.

Unlock the power of visionary entrepreneurship with Dr. Javnyuy Joybert's groundbreaking framework, Visionary Launch with Limited Resources.

Embrace resourcefulness, ignite creativity, and embark on a journey of entrepreneurial excellence today.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup

3 Journal Publications
International Youth Day 2020 in the Midst of Chaos; Way Forward - By Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
August 12, 2020
For Millennial young professionals and entrepreneurs and some Generation Alphas, COVID-19 is their major global economic crisis and pandemic they are facing as key players in the marketplace.

The 2020 International Youth Day is ushering young people into the novel economy popular termed the new normal into a different kind of workplace and work culture popularly termed #WFH (Work From Home). 2020 graduates are entering the worst job market since the Great Depression. Job market full of uncertainty, chaos, fast pace change and much more.....

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Tags: COVID19, Future of Work, Leadership

The Future of Work in Africa: The Workplace Disruption - What African Professionals & Stakeholders Should Know & DO
Javnyuy Joybert & CELBMD Africa
May 12, 2020
The Future of Work in Africa:
The Workplace Disruption - What African Professionals & Stakeholders Should Know & DO

Journal Publication by Javnyuy Joybert

The purpose of this piece is to provide a skill forecast to Cameroonian and African educators, policymakers, professionals, business leaders with actionable information on demand for skills and occupations in the present and the future. In addition, outlined in this publication is the risks and opportunities faced by African professionals and institutions across skill sets, geographies, ages, incomes, and other demographic characteristics.

Cameroon and Africa did not only arrive the 21st century late but also Africa entered the 21st century unprepared because the African workforce was unprepared. The good news is, it is not late for us to end the 21st century right & enter the 22nd century in grand style

We cannot prepare effectively for a future we are not aware of. This publication will reveal to us what thought leaders are saying after a deep dive chat with me (Javnyuy Joybert) and the actions they are recommending for us as a professionals and as leaders in the marketplace.

Some key issues covered in this piece include
– How to Build the Organisation of Tomorrow?
– 15 Things You NEED to Know About the Future of Work
– 10 Skills That Will Serve You For a Lifetime
– 5 skills employers look for – now and in 2030
– How To Create A Workforce Equipped With The Skills Of The Future
– And 30 other additional topics covered

The future of work will surprise the vulnerable people more. The youth, people in low socioeconomic status will face challenges entering the marketplace from 2020 and this publication is therefore a tool aimed at bridging this gap.

Several months of collaboration, exchange of thoughts, intensive analysis & putting this together.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Future of Work, HR

The Future of Work in Africa: What African Professionals & Stakeholders Should Know & Do
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
May 12, 2020
The purpose of this piece is to provide a skill forecast to Cameroon and African educators, policymakers, professionals with actionable information on demand for skills and occupations in the present and the future. In addition, outlined in this publication are the risks and opportunities faced by African professionals and institutions across skillsets, geographies, ages, incomes, and other demographic characteristics.

The future of work will surprise vulnerable people more. The youth, people low in socioeconomic status, will face challenges entering the marketplace from 2020. This publication is, therefore, an awareness tool aimed at bridging this gap.

All proceeds made from this publication will go to provide scholarships to young people to acquire marketable future skills under The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa -

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Tags: Business Strategy, COVID19, Future of Work

4 Keynotes
Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) Accelerate the Future of Work in Africa (Cameroon)? By Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert & CELBMD Africa
March 26, 2020
Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) Accelerate the Future of Work in Africa (Cameroon)? By Javnyuy Joybert

I doubt if things will return to normal in the African market place after COVID-19. After this pandemic, we will be entering into a new marketplace. Education, healthcare, financial services and all other sectors are and will experience a shift after this crisis. There is already and will continue to be a serious disruption in workplace culture across Africa. COVID-19 has caused rapid digitization in key sectors across Africa in the last few weeks and the spread of new technologies are ushering in a new era of economic disruption.

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Tags: Future of Work, Change Management, COVID19

Keynote Address Excepts: 2019 Small Business & Entrepreneurship Forum - Javnyuy Joybert
December 12, 2019
As the year 2019 round-up, I had the honour of being the main keynote speaker at the 2019 Small Business & Entrepreneurship Forum at the International Handicraft Center Yaoundé in the presence of Canadian High Commissioner H.E Richard Bale, Assistant Director General of APME and Foretia Foundation officials.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

Ready to Improve Your Life? Practice Value Creating Activities by Javnyuy Joybert
March 03, 2019
Let me ask you a deep question, are you ready for this?

Have you ever felt like you have wasted a lot of time in your life or wasted a whole year, month or week with no concrete results? I know that feeling because I have been there!

This article is about helping you pass that level of wasting your life, or wasting your year, month, week, day and even hours by practicing value creating activities.

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Tags: Leadership

Javnyuy Joybert’s 5 Steps to Developing Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
February 14, 2019
The most difficult asset for an entrepreneur to lead is not the startup structure. Neither is it the team. Rather, it’s the entrepreneur himself.

Carefully look at every successful startup (unicorn) or business and you will realize that the leader of that structure practices top level self-discipline. An entrepreneur with self-discipline can control his or her actions, commitment, level of hard work, spending attitude, the type of friends, how to manage tasks and time, making and sticking with the right decisions.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

10 Media Interviews
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Featured in The Inspirers Magazine.
The Inspirers Media
April 10, 2024
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Featured in The Inspirers Magazine.

In a remarkable acknowledgment of his contributions and achievements, Dr. Joybert Javnyuy has been featured in a recent issue of The Inspirers Magazine, a publication which has been known for its commitment to celebrating emerging personalities, community builders, and philanthropists.

Several months ago, the initiative for this feature was sparked by a Cameroonian media lady, who reached out with the intention of profiling Dr. Javnyuy in the magazine. This gesture stands as a resounding message to the impact of his work and the recognition it garners across borders.

The Inspirers Magazine operates under the visionary leadership of Joy A. Atembe, serving as the Editor-in-Chief. It is an embodiment of the magazine's mission to shine a light on individuals who are not only achieving excellence in their fields but are also paving the way for future generations. Published by The Inspirers Media, the magazine stands as a pillar for those looking to find inspiration and motivation from trailblazers across the African continent.

Dr. Javnyuy's feature is not just a personal accolade but a highlight in the vibrant ecosystem of African innovation and leadership. Readers are encouraged to take a deep read into the pages of The Inspirers Magazine to discover the stories of individuals who are making significant contributions across diverse industries in Africa (Cameroon).

To learn more about Dr. Joybert Javnyuy and his journey, readers are directed to page 14 of the magazine, where his story unfolds among the narratives of other remarkable Africans.

The Inspirers Magazine is available for perusal (Download here or above), offering a window into the lives of those who are forging paths of excellence and philanthropy across the continent.


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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding

5 Types of Young Leaders Who Will Change Africa with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
During the All African Youth Conference, I shared on the topic "Who Are The Young People That Will Transform Africa?"

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Social

From Humble Beginnings to Global Influence: Dr. Javnyuy Joybert’s Inspiring Odyssey
October 22, 2023
From Humble Beginnings to Global Influence: Dr. Javnyuy Joybert’s Inspiring Odyssey

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding

Voice of America Interview With Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Voice of America
June 26, 2023
Dr. Javnyuy Joybert Interview on Voice of America - Washington
More the work we do across Africa.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups

From Idea to Business: Chatnite Africa Interview with Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Chatnite Africa
February 28, 2023
From Idea to Business: Chatnite Africa Interview with Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

This interivew was done by Chatnite Africa with Divine Nchamukong.
Dr. Javnyuy Joybert shared tips on how to start and build a thriving business.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

How to Build a Successful & Impactful Business - Dr. Javnyuy Joybert on The SarahGold Show
The Sarah Gold Show
February 08, 2023
I had the opportunity to feature on @thesarahgoldshow to talk about building a successful & impactful business.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

This Is The Time: Cameroon (Africa) Government Invest Intentionally in Vocational Sectors by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
May 26, 2020
This Is The Time: Cameroon (Africa) Government Invest Intentionally in Vocational Sectors by Javnyuy Joybert

Will I be wrong if I say this is the first time Cameroon (Africa) is experiencing huge challenges because of what COVID-19 has done to the global value chain?

COVID-19 has caused manufacturing and distribution in large economies like China, Singapore, Italy among others to fall drastically which definitely affects small businesses who depend on these goods to serve their customers and also livelihood of citizens.

Africa is an important part of the global value chains especially in providing raw materials and consumption. The question now is what is Cameroon learning from this? What will the leaders do about it?

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Tags: Social, Supply Chain, COVID19

14 Quarantine Commandments by Javnyuy Joybert (Things You Should Not Quarantine)
Javnyuy Joybert
March 25, 2020
14 Quarantine Commandments by Javnyuy Joybert
(Things You Should Not Quarantine)

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Tags: Health and Safety, COVID19

Difficult Moments (COVID-19): What You Should Be Doing
March 21, 2020
Helping young professionals, entrepreneurs, businesses and employees to go through this difficult pandemic call COVID-19.

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Tags: Change Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Continuity, COVID19

5 Steps to Developing Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
January 25, 2019
Javnyuy Joybert’s 5 Steps to Developing Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur

The most difficult asset for an entrepreneur to lead is not the startup structure. Neither is it the team. Rather, it’s the entrepreneur himself.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

27 Podcasts
Discover Steps to Boost Your AI Knowledge: Road Map with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 23, 2024
Discover Practical Steps to Boost Your AI Knowledge: Road Map with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

In this enlightening episode, Dr. Joybert Javnyuy shares essential insights for anyone feeling worried about AI.

Discover practical steps to boost your AI knowledge and stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.

Tune in to gain confidence and clarity in navigating the world of artificial intelligence.

Don't miss this chance to transform your AI understanding and leverage its potential for your growth.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Poverty Indoctrination in Africa Through the #Education System by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 21, 2024
In this compelling episode, Dr. Joybert Javnyuy looks into a critical issue affecting Africa's future: poverty indoctrination through the education system.

He uncovers thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional thinking and shed light on the complexities of this pervasive issue.

Dr. Javnyuy's unique perspective offers a fresh and insightful take on how education shapes mindsets and influences socioeconomic outcomes. #prosperity #wealth #success

Whether you're passionate about Africa's development or interested in global education systems, this episode is sure to spark engaging discussions and inspire action.

Tune in to gain a new perspective on this pressing issue.


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Tags: EdTech, Education, Leadership

Digital Space: 2 Things Experts Must Be Doing Today with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 20, 2024
Join me for an enlightening episode as we dive into the essential strategies every expert needs to thrive in today's fast-paced digital world.

This episode uncovers crucial foundational actions that can elevate your expertise and impact.

Don't miss out on insights that can transform your professional journey.

Tune in and discover what you must be doing today to stay ahead.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

How To BE the LIGHT of the World - 20 Strategic Ways to be the Light by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 19, 2024
Join Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in this inspiring episode, "How To BE the LIGHT of the World - 20 Strategic Ways to be the Light."

Discover transformative strategies to illuminate your path and impact those around you.

This episode will challenge and empower you to step into your true potential for the rest of your life.

Don't miss out on this chance to ignite your life and be a beacon of change.

Tune in now and start shining! Share with someone today.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

Working Hard With No Results in Career & Business? Start Doing These 5 Things with Dr Javnyuy Joybert
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 18, 2024
In this captivating episode of Dr. Javnyuy Joybert's podcast, discover the game-changing strategies to transform your career and business outcomes.

If you've been tirelessly working hard but seeing little to no results, this episode is a must-listen!

Dr. Joybert reveals powerful insights and actionable steps that can turn your efforts into tangible success.

Tune in to unlock the secrets to breaking through barriers and achieving your goals.

Don't miss out on these transformative tips that could be the key to your breakthrough!

Listen now and start seeing the results you deserve.

See publication

Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

How to Make More Money As a Service Provider - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 17, 2024
Unlock the secrets to financial success in your service-based business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in this captivating podcast episode, "How to Make More Money As a Service Provider."

Gain exclusive insights from a leading business expert and discover strategies to boost your income, attract high-paying clients, and elevate your career.

Whether you're a consultant, coach, or any service provider, this episode is packed with invaluable tips to help you thrive.

Don't miss out on Dr. Javnyuy's proven methods to transform your business and achieve greater financial freedom.

Tune in now!


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

2 Signs You Are Not Ready for #Entrepreneurship: Don't Start That #Business Yet with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 16, 2024
2 Signs You Are Not Ready for Entrepreneurship: Don't Start That #Business Yet with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Discover the two critical signs that signal you're not ready for #entrepreneurship in this eye-opening episode with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Before diving into the business world, make sure you tune in to avoid common pitfalls and set yourself up for success.

Listen now to gain valuable insights and take the first step towards informed entrepreneurship.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups

The Foundations of Longevity in Business by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 15, 2024
Discover the keys to enduring business success with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in this enlightening podcast episode, "The Foundations of Longevity in Business."

Tune in to gain invaluable insights from a leading expert in business longevity and sustainability.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or business enthusiast, this episode is packed with wisdom to help you thrive in the long term.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the industry. Listen now!

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Leadership

The Ignored Skill in This Generation that can Lead to Destruction by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 14, 2024
Discover the captivating insights of Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in the latest podcast episode, "The Ignored Skill in This Generation That Can Lead to Destruction."

Dive into a thought-provoking discussion that unveils a soft skill overlooked by many today.

Dr. Javnyuy’s compelling narrative will challenge your perspective and inspire you to rethink your approach.

Don’t miss this eye-opening episode that promises to be a game-changer. Tune in now for a transformative listening experience!

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The Foundation to Attaining Long Term Sustainable Success in Your Industry with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 13, 2024
This will transform your career forever. "The Foundation to Attaining Long Term Sustainable Success in Your Industry" with renowned expert Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Discover key strategies for building a strong foundation, sustaining growth and long term sustainable success in your industry.

Dr. Javnyuy shares practical insights and proven techniques to help you achieve lasting success.

Tune in for a strategic discussion that will equip you with the soft tools you need to thrive in today's competitive business landscape.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

Stop believing this lie: The truth of top tier success by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 12, 2024
Unlock the foundational secret to genuine top-tier success in my latest podcast episode with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Discover why believing this lie hold you back and learn actionable strategies to achieve your true potential.

Dr. Javnyuy delves into the truths behind success, providing insights and tips to elevate your journey.

Don't miss this empowering episode that will transform your mindset and set you on the path to real achievement.

Listen now and start your success story today!

Share with someone!

Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Branding

Transform Your Career & Finance: The Getting Unstuck Method with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 11, 2024
In this episode of "Transform Your Career & Finance," join us as we dive into the Getting Unstuck Method with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Discover a powerful strategy to overcome career and financial obstacles, unlock your potential, and achieve success.

Dr. Javnyuy shares actionable insights and practical tips to help you navigate challenges and transform your professional and financial life.

Tune in and start your journey to a brighter, more prosperous future today!

See publication

Tags: Business Continuity, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How Social Media Can Contribute to Your Financial Success - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 10, 2024
Unlock the secrets to financial success with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in our latest podcast episode.

Discover how leveraging social media can transform your financial future.

Tune in for expert insights and strategies that can elevate your financial game.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field.

Follow now and start your journey to financial success!


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Marathon-Like Qualities for all Entrepreneurs: Foundation for Business Success by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 08, 2024
Tune in to "Marathon-Like Qualities for All Entrepreneurs: Foundation for Business Success" with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy!

Discover how learning from marathon runners can transform your entrepreneurial journey.

Dr. Javnyuy shares powerful insights to help you thrive and achieve sustained success in the business world.

Don't miss out on this inspiring episode that will reveal strategies and empower you to reach new heights in your entrepreneurial pursuits!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How to Sustain a Successful Life: Activate Emotional Thermostat by Dr Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 07, 2024
How to Sustain a Successful Life: Activate Emotional Thermostat by Dr Joybert Javnyuy

Tune into the latest episode of the Wisdom & Wealth Chronicles Podcast, "How to Sustain a Successful Life: Activate Emotional Thermostat," with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Discover groundbreaking insights that could redefine your approach to success and emotional well-being.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life with expert guidance from Dr. Javnyuy.

Listen now to unlock your potential!

Leave me a comment. Looking forward to read from you.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

This is Destroying This #Generation: 10 Things to Do Now with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 26, 2024
Welcome to Dr. Joybert's Wisdom Hub!
Dive into a world where Money, Wealth, Business, Career, Productivity, and the transformative teachings of Jesus Christ converge. I'm Dr. Javnyuy Joybert, your guide on this empowering journey towards holistic success.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

3 Proven #Techniques for High Productivity in Career & Business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 25, 2024
Dive deep with us into the practical strategies that can transform the way you work and lead. Whether you're an entrepreneur steering your startup towards growth or a professional scaling the career ladder, this episode delivers essential insights that are both simple and actionable.

Discover how to maximize your productivity, streamline your processes, and achieve more with less effort.

Get ready to unleash your potential and inspire your journey to greater effectiveness and success in both your career and business.

Join me let’s unlock the keys to becoming more efficient and prolific in every endeavor you undertake.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Girlfriend to Wife Ownership: Change Your Next 10 Years with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 24, 2024
"Change Your Next 10 Years with these 3 Strategic Actions," by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

The First Law of Prosperity by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 23, 2024
Unlock this secret with "First Law of #Prosperity" by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

This enlightening episode delves into timeless principles that can transform your approach to wealth and well-being. #Money #Riches

Join us as Dr. Javnyuy reveals the foundational steps to unlock your potential and achieve lasting prosperity.

Tune in to empower your journey towards a richer, more fulfilling life. Don't miss out—listen now!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Finance

Shift into a New Dispensation of Results in Your Life & Career Today by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 22, 2024
Dive into a transformative experience with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in "Shift into a New Dispensation of Results in Your Life & Career Today."

This episode is a masterclass in personal and professional growth, designed to catapult you into unprecedented success.

Prepare to be inspired and equipped to achieve remarkable outcomes as Dr. Javnyuy guides you through revolutionary concepts that will redefine your path. Don't miss this opportunity to reshape your future—listen now and start your journey to greatness.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

This Secret Will 100x Your Life's Results |15 Things I Wished I Knew by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 20, 2024
Unlock the secret to transforming your life with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in "This Secret Will 100x Your Life's Results | 15 Things I Wished I Knew."

Dive into the powerful insights that can skyrocket your personal and professional success. Don’t miss out on learning the pivotal lessons Dr. Javnyuy wishes he knew earlier.

Tune in and start your journey to achieving exponential results today!

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

He Remained Underemployed for 12 Years. What Happened? | Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 20, 2024
Discover the gripping story of resilience and unexpected turns in "He Remained Underemployed for 12 Years. What Happened?" hosted by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy.

Uncover the challenges and breakthroughs of a journey marked by prolonged underemployment and the lessons learned along the way.
This podcast promises to inspire and enlighten anyone who feels stuck in their career path.

Join Dr. Javnyuy as he explores powerful narratives of perseverance and transformation. Tune in to find out how one can turn years of struggle into a story of success.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

Change Your Career Forever | Ep 1| 3 Out 15 Things I Wished I Knew | Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 19, 2024
Join Dr. Joybert Javnyuy in this eye-opening episode of "Change Your Career Forever" where he unveils three critical insights from his personal list of 15 career-changing lessons.

Whether you're contemplating a major career shift or simply looking to refine your professional path, Dr. Javnyuy’s experiences and revelations offer invaluable guidance. This podcast isn’t just about what he learned; it’s about empowering you to navigate your career with more confidence and foresight.

Don’t miss out on these transformative perspectives that could redefine your approach to your career goals and success. Tune in to discover strategies that are essential for anyone looking to make a significant impact in their professional journey.

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

The Spirit that Guarantees Long Term Success in All You Do (Law of Persistence) | Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 27, 2024
Dive deep into the core principle that shapes the foundation of enduring success across all facets of life and business with Javnyuy Joybert.

This enlightening session, titled "The Spirit that Guarantees Long Term Success in All You Do (Law of Persistence)," unravels the transformative power of persistence, offering you a unique perspective on achieving their goals and fulfilling their potential.

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Tags: Agile, Business Continuity, Leadership

My Biggest Regret in Life Now with Arreby of Dear ArreyB Podcast
Arrey Bate
February 09, 2024
This is the original content of Dear ARREYB [The Podcast] by @arreybate.
In this interview with Arrey, I shared deep insights and things about my life I have never shared in public.

I also shared on the following:
Top secrets to running a successful business
The top 3 molding blocks for building any journey
The #1 reason why most people are broke and how to fix that
How becoming a dad changed Dr. Joybert and his biggest regret

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

4 Presentations
How to Thrive & Lead in a Fast Moving & Competitive Economy with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 29, 2024
With expert advice and real-world examples, you'll learn how to adapt and excel in an ever-changing economic landscape. Don't miss out on the opportunity to turn challenges into opportunities and achieve greater success.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Leadership

The First Law of Prosperity Implementation Framework by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 24, 2024
The First Law of Prosperity Implementation Framework by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Unlock the potential for success with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's "The First Law of Prosperity Implementation Framework." This transformative guide offers innovative strategies designed to elevate your prosperity journey if you are starting or looking to scale.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to harness the power of prosperity. Download your copy today and start your journey to sustained success!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How to be a first mover in a new economic paradigm by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 17, 2024
Being a first mover in a new economic paradigm means identifying and capitalizing on emerging market opportunities before competitors.

It involves understanding shifts in technology, consumer behavior, and regulatory landscapes, and strategically positioning one’s business/skill set to leverage these changes for competitive advantage.

Here’s a framework that you can use to position yourself as a first mover in a new economic paradigm:

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

Team Fellowship & High Productivity Catalyst Framework by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 17, 2024
Discover the key to unlocking your team's potential with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's "Team Fellowship & High Productivity Catalyst Framework." This innovative guide offers strategies to foster collaboration and maximize efficiency in any organization. Perfect for leaders seeking to inspire and drive their teams toward exceptional results. Transform your workplace dynamics and achieve new heights of success!

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Management

1 Quote
3 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 22, 2024
3 out of 15 Things I wish I Knew Early in my Career.

1. Checking out the latest activities in my industry where I desired to be a top professional and taking conscious steps to grow proactively.

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Tags: Coaching

1 Speaker Award
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy Among The Top 100 Coaches Africa by GABI Magazine
GABI Magazine
April 08, 2024
Close to 15 years ago, I started having this drive to gather young people in my community and church and talk with them about things and areas I noticed we all needed to improve in. This was in Kumbo, a semi-urban town in the Northwest Region of Cameroon with electricity that was rationed at the time and internet access only in particular areas.

Read more

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Tags: Coaching

7 Speaking Engagements
Entrepreneurs Growth Plugs – Episode 7: What Growth Tools Are You Using? By Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 24, 2020
To succeed in business, you need to be more than just passionate, you need to be effective and to achieve this you need tools that can accompany you in this process.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

International Youth Day: African Youth Work Hard, Break the Rules – Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
August 12, 2019
My message to the African Youth as the world commemorate the International Youth Day 2019. Theme: “Transforming Education”

Let me start with a blunt statement “Unfortunately our (African) governments are not very intentional to heavily invest in developing your innovative skills to fit in the future of work. In short, you are on your own for now” Therefore, this message is directly to you.

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Tags: Leadership, Education

What’s the Relationship: Manners & Entrepreneurship Success: Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
May 25, 2019
Being a successful young entrepreneur is much more than just having a good idea, knowing your sales numbers and financial statements, pitching your product when you meet people. It takes more

Having business & professional etiquette, impeccable social manners anywhere you find yourself can take you places.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Management

Startup Strategic Risks
April 18, 2019
My dear fellow Entrepreneurs, while you are getting set to face the New week let's share on something I call " Strategic startup risk ".

Have you ever asked yourself this question "What are those shifts that can put my start-up into danger?"

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Tags: Business Strategy, Startups

Young Entrepreneurs: The Power of Adaptability & Persistence by Javnyuy Joybert
March 03, 2019
Have you ever wondered what separate successful entrepreneurs from others? Or wondered why others breakthrough and live their dreams while some struggle and give up? Yes I have, I did wonder and ask these questions a few years back and the answers I got changed my career greatly.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups

5 Steps to Becoming an Adaptable and Persistent Entrepreneur
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
February 19, 2019
Have you ever wondered what separates successful entrepreneurs from the others? Or wondered why others break through and live their dreams while some struggle and give up? For me, I have. I did wonder and ask these questions a few years back and the answers I got changed my career greatly.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Management

Javnyuy Joybert’s 5 Steps to Developing Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur
Javnyuy Joybert & Afrohustler
January 25, 2019
The most difficult asset for an entrepreneur to lead is not the startup structure. Neither is it the team. Rather, it’s the entrepreneur himself.

Carefully look at every successful startup (unicorn) or business and you will realize that the leader of that structure practices top level self-discipline.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Startups

8 Trainings
Technique for High Profitability in Your Business | Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 29, 2024
Technique for High Profitability in Your Business | Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, International Relations

Business Success Engineering Techniques with Dr Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
I was invited as a guest lecturer to lecture on business success engineering. Here are a couple of thoughts I shared with the participants who are business executives and entrepreneurs.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups

3 Types of Risk, How to Manage Risks & Succeed in Life, Career & Business Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
Learn about the 3 Types of Risk, How to Manage Risks & Succeed in Life, Career & Business.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Leadership

MAJOR Technique to Handle Setbacks in Career & Business - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
April 04, 2024
Do setbacks feel like roadblocks on your path to success? Look no further! In my latest teaching, "MAJOR Technique to Handle Setbacks in #Career & #Business," I unveil a groundbreaking strategy that has the power to transform challenges into opportunities.

Discover the secrets to resilience and growth that the most #successful figures in the business world utilize to turn their setbacks into comebacks. Whether you're facing financial hurdles, partnership challenges, or personal obstacles, these insights will equip you with the tools you need to not only overcome them but emerge stronger.

Don't let setbacks derail your dreams. Click play now to unlock the MAJOR technique that will revolutionize how you handle challenges and propel you towards your goals.

Remember, in the world of business and career, it's not about the setbacks; it's about how you bounce back. Join us and redefine what's possible. Your journey to mastery starts here.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

CRITICAL Tool for Career & Business Growth | Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 25, 2024
Unlock the secret to exponential career and business growth with Dr. Javnyuy Joybert's latest training video, "CRITICAL Tool for Career & Business Growth."

This essential guide dives deep into the transformative strategies and tools that have the power to redefine your professional journey.

Whether you're aiming to scale your business to new heights or accelerate your career progression, Dr. Joybert's insights will equip you with the knowledge to make impactful decisions and drive substantial results.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a seasoned expert in the field. Discover the critical tools you need for success and start turning your ambitions into reality today.

Watch now and take the first step towards achieving unparalleled growth in your career and business.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

FREE Online #Course || 3 Components of the Soul to Master for #Success - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 15, 2024
FREE Online #Course || 3 Components of the Soul to Master for #Success || Change Your Destiny by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

Unlock the secret to transforming your life with our FREE online course: "3 Components of the Soul to Master for Success | Change Your Destiny".

This exclusive video series dives deep into the essence of personal growth and success, exploring the profound connection between the soul's components and your path to achieving unparalleled success.

Whether you're seeking to elevate your career, enrich your personal life, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, this course is designed to guide you through the essential steps to realign your soul's purpose with your life's goals.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Coaching, Leadership

How To F.I.N.I.S.H ALL You START in 2024 & Beyond || Finishing Framework with Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
January 14, 2024
Embark on a transformative journey with Javnyuy Joybert as he unveils the finishing framework, designed to empower you to complete every project you start in 2024 and beyond.

Discover the secret to unstoppable motivation and effective strategy, ensuring that nothing remains half-done.

Whether it's a personal goal or a professional endeavor, learn how to F.I.N.I.S.H it all with determination and success.

Don't miss this life-changing guide to turning your aspirations into achievements. Tune in now!

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Tags: Business Continuity, Coaching, Leadership

Developing the DNA for Business Dominance by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
January 09, 2024
Dive into the essence of unparalleled business success with Javnyuy Joybert's groundbreaking video, "Developing the DNA for Business Dominance."

This isn't just a video; it's a revolution in understanding the core attributes that empower businesses to not just participate in the market but to lead and redefine it.

Javnyuy Joybert, a visionary in the realm of business strategy and innovation, shares insights that are both profound and practical, designed to instill the very DNA needed for dominance in today's competitive landscape.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Change Management

2 Videos
The Blueprint to Market Dominance in All You Do || Career & Business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 22, 2024
The Blueprint to Market Dominance in All You Do || Career & Business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

7 Negativities Destroying Your Life, Career & Business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
Are you battling with high negativity?
Do you find it difficult to perform at a high level and do not know why?
Are you worried about your lifestyle?
This session is for you. 7 Negativities Destroying Your Life & Career with Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

1 Video
7 Reasons & Ways to Rise Above Comparison & Unlock Your Potential with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
Are you stuck in the comparison trap, constantly measuring yourself against others and feeling like you fall short?

You're not alone, but you're also selling yourself short. In today's video, we delve into 7 compelling reasons why you should rise above comparison to truly unlock your full potential—both in your personal and professional life.
What will you learn? Watch

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Tags: Careers, Coaching, Leadership

1 Visiting Lecturer
Poverty Indoctrination in Africa Through the Education System by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 07, 2024
Poverty Indoctrination in Africa Through the Education System by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

This article explores my argument that Africa's education system unintentionally fosters a cycle of poverty in the young people. Drawing from my experience of being a high school teacher and a university lecturer in Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria and being a speaker and trainer who has traveled across 15 African nations to speak in youth events.

This article briefly examines how the current curriculum may limit opportunities and fail to equip students with the skills necessary for economic growth and prosperity.

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Tags: EdTech, Education, Entrepreneurship

12 Webinars
How to Achieve Business Sustainability Through Market Segmentation by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 25, 2024
Unlock the secrets to business sustainability with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's expert insights on market segmentation!

In this comprehensive free online course, learn how to identify and target specific market segments to boost your business growth and stability.

Discover practical strategies and real-world examples that will help you understand your customers better and tailor your offerings to meet their needs.

Perfect for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketers aiming to achieve long-term success.

Subscribe now for more valuable business tips!

#BusinessSustainability #MarketSegmentation #DrJoybertJavnyuy #BusinessGrowth #FreeCourse #Entrepreneurship

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

FREE ONLINE COURSE || Achieving Sustainable Success #Business in a Competitive Marketplace
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 21, 2024
Unlock the keys to thriving in today's competitive marketplace with our free online course, "Achieving Sustainable Success."

This exclusive opportunity is designed for ambitious professionals eager to elevate their business acumen and stay ahead of the curve. Join a community of like-minded individuals and gain invaluable insights that will transform your approach to success.

Don’t miss out on the chance to redefine your career and business trajectory. Start your journey towards sustainable achievement!

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Business Competitive Advantage: Area of Excellence Factor by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 01, 2024
Join Dr. Joybert Javnyuy for an enlightening webinar, "Business Competitive Advantage: Area of Excellence Factor." In this session, Dr. Javnyuy will share insights drawn from years of expertise and research, aimed at fundamentally transforming how you approach your business strategy.

Whether you're a seasoned business leader or an aspiring entrepreneur, this webinar promises to reveal crucial perspectives that could redefine your path to success.

Don't miss the opportunity to gain an edge in today's competitive marketplace—tune in and equip yourself with the tools to excel. Set yourself apart by mastering your Area of Excellence.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

How to Become Great || Scale Your Business || How to Forget Failures & Rise with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
In this live webinar, I covered the following and more
How to scale a business
How to become great in your industry
How to forget about failures and move forward

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

From Losing to Winning in Career & Business with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
Are you struggling to shine in your career?
Are you struggling to start a business?
Are you struggling to scale a business?
This session is for you. Follow now.
From Losing to Winning in Career & Business II Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Careers, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

How to Build Lasting Influence & Impact Part 1 with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Joybert Javnyuy
April 08, 2024
To create impact and make money in this generation, one of the most important assets to build and manage is influence and attention.
How do you build lasting influence that will benefit your career and business?
In this session, you will learn how to do that.

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

The Foundation Law that Leads to #SUCCESS - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
April 01, 2024

Unlock the secrets to unparalleled business and career success with our latest video, "How to Achieve Business & Career Success || The Law that Leads to SUCCESS".

This compelling session is designed to inspire and provoke thought, challenging you to rethink your approach to success.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this video will equip you with the wisdom to navigate the complexities of the modern business world.

Discover the fundamental law that has propelled countless individuals towards their dreams. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your aspirations into reality.

Perfect for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone aiming to reach the pinnacle of their career. Join us and set forth on the path to success.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

24 Things To Do In 2024 for MASSIVE SUCCESS || GREATNESS FOR YOU || By Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 22, 2024

Discover the ultimate roadmap to unparalleled success in 2024 with Javnyuy Joybert's transformative video, "24 Things To Do In 2024 for MASSIVE SUCCESS || GREATNESS FOR YOU."

Unleash your potential and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth.

Whether you're aiming to elevate your business, enhance your personal development, or redefine your success, this video is your key to unlocking greatness.

Don't miss out on this game-changing guide to achieving your dreams and beyond.

Watch now and step into your most successful year yet!

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Question & Answer Webinar: Foundation of Financial Increase || Idea Validation ||
Javnyuy Joybert
March 22, 2024
Dive into the heart of financial growth with our enlightening video, "Foundation of Financial Increase || Idea Validation || Answers to Questions."

Engage in a profound teaching, question, and answer session with a diverse group of entrepreneurs and professionals.

Unlock the secrets to validating your ideas and propelling your financial journey forward.

This video is a must-watch for anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of financial success.

Don't miss out on transforming your financial future today!

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

THE SECRET... 3 Pillars to Level Up Your Income & Career || LinkedIn Working Session - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 22, 2024
Unlock the path to elevating your income and career with our must-watch video, "THE SECRET... 3 Pillars to Level Up Your Income & Career || LinkedIn Working Session."

Dive deep into a session filled with groundbreaking strategies and insights tailored for ambitious professionals.

Prepare to level up your professional life like never before. Start watching now for unparalleled success!

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

How To Build Competence & Discover Your Unique Intelligence - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 20, 2024
Unlock the secrets to building unparalleled competence and uncovering your unique intelligence with Javnyuy Joybert.

Dive deep into techniques that will elevate your skills and reveal the distinct talents that set you apart.

This session offers practical advice for personal and professional growth, empowering you to excel in every facet of your life.

If you're ready to transform your potential into excellence, this is the moment you've been waiting for.

Watch now and start your transformation.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

MUST HAVE Skills to Change Your Financial Life, Career & Business
Javnyuy Joybert
December 20, 2023
In today's fast-paced world, acquiring certain must-have skills can significantly transform your financial life, career, and business. This keynote will delve into the pivotal abilities that empower individuals to not only navigate but also excel in their professional and financial journeys, setting the stage for unprecedented growth and success.

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Branding

1 Whitepaper
Elevated Behavioral Paradigms for Elite Collaborative Teams by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 14, 2024
Elevated Behavioral Paradigms for Elite Collaborative Teams by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy is a transformative training framework designed to revolutionize team dynamics and performance.

This framework is designed to empower teams to achieve unparalleled collaboration and success, driving organizational growth and innovation. Experience the profound impact on your team today.

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Management

3 Workshops
How to Build Power for Career & Business Success by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 18, 2024
Elevate your career and business to new heights with Dr. Joybert Javnyuy's "How to Build Power for Career & Business Success."

This essential guide equips you with the tools to assert your influence and achieve your goals. Ideal for professionals and entrepreneurs ready to command success and leave a lasting impact in their fields. Step into your power today!

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

How to Thrive in Any Situation || The Framework || - Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
March 23, 2024
This is one of the core things that make successful individuals. Master this and shine.

WINNING STREAK...How to Thrive in Any Situation || The Framework.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

Self Discipline BluePrint and Achieving Unbreakable Productivity by Javnyuy Joybert
Javnyuy Joybert
February 29, 2024
Unlock the secrets to mastering self-discipline and skyrocketing your productivity with Javnyuy Joybert's "Self Discipline Blueprint and Achieving Unbreakable Productivity."

This transformative video is not just another motivational speech; it's a powerful journey into the heart of what makes us succeed against all odds.

Javnyuy Joybert, a renowned expert in productivity and personal development, distills years of knowledge and experience into actionable strategies that will redefine how you approach work and life. Whether you're struggling to maintain focus, seeking to elevate your daily output, or simply looking to harness the power of self-discipline to achieve your dreams, this video is your first step towards unlocking your true potential.

Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and ultimately changed.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching

Thinkers360 Credentials

19 Badges


28 Article/Blogs
How to Craft Solutions That Outshine Existing Solutions in Your Target Market by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 13, 2024

How to Craft Solutions That Outshine Existing Solutions in Your Target Market by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy


Over the years, through my work in startup business consulting, I have collaborated with numerous incubators and accelerators in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and other nations.


At The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Business Management Development Africa, which I founded in 2012 to provide startup and enterprise development training and solutions to African startups, I have gained practical experience working with diverse startups from various industries.


One of the most critical phases every startup must go through and get right to a certain extent is validating the problem they aim to solve with their business.


When leading problem validation and idea validation sessions with startup founders, one of the core questions I always want us to deliberate upon is, "Why are existing products or services (solutions) insufficient, and what makes you feel that your solution will stand out in the eyes of the target market?"


Processing and understanding this question and being able to obtain real-time findings will bring a significant change in your startup process. Additionally, this step helps in refining the business model and ensures that the startup is addressing a genuine need, which is crucial for long-term success. Moreover, engaging with potential customers early on can provide invaluable feedback that can shape the product development and marketing strategies.


The inadequacy of current solutions typically stems from their inability to fully address the evolving needs and pain points of consumers. This can manifest in various forms: 

- Outdated technology

- Lack of user-centric features

- Poor customer service

- Simply the failure to adapt to changing market trends. 


When it comes to building a startup, the foundation of a successful business often lies in identifying gaps within existing products or services and proposing innovative solutions.


Understanding these insufficiencies involves deep market research and an empathetic approach to customer feedback. Entrepreneurs must immerse themselves in the experiences of their potential users to uncover these hidden gaps.


Once these gaps are identified, the next step is to conceptualize a solution that not only fills these voids but also offers a distinct value proposition. 


Here is one truth, recognizing the shortcomings of existing products or services and addressing them with a novel, user-centric approach is key to standing out in a competitive market as a startup founder.




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups

Subtle Business Secret Great Business Leaders Practice – Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 10, 2024

Let me tell you one subtle business secret that great business leaders know and practice. 


You cannot make great business decisions without metrics.


Metrics are at the heart of great decision making in business. They provide the data needed to;

- Evaluate performance

- Identify trends and 

- To make informed choices


In every aspect of business from value creation to production, marketing, and sales and every other area of business, metrics play a crucial role. 


They help you understand what is working and what is not working. For instance, in marketing, metrics like customer acquisition cost and conversion rates are essential. They will tell you as a business person how effective your campaigns are and where you should allocate resources. 


What about EP? Employee performance (EP) is equally important. They highlight areas where staff excel and where additional training might be needed. By the way if you need staff training contact me - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy. 

This data driven approach ensures that decisions about promotions, hiring, and development are based on solid evidence and not feelings. 


When it comes to expansion, metrics can help you determine the best markets to enter and the right time to do so. They provide insights into market demand, competition and potential profitability. This minimizes risks and maximizes the chances of success. 


Technology in this age is another area where metrics are critical. They can show you how well your systems are performing and where improvements are necessary. Metrics can also help you measure the return on investment for new technologies, ensuring that you are getting the most out of your tech budget and resources. 


You see, business is a game of metrics. Without them, decisions are based on gut feelings and assumptions which can lead to costly mistakes and failures. Using metrics, you make decisions that are informed, strategic, and drive success. 


Hear me now, metrics are the backbone of effective business decision making. They provide the insights needed to navigate the complexities of modern business. By prioritizing metrics, you ensure that every decision you make is grounded in data and not feelings. 


What stood out for you? Share your thoughts.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

How to Create Personal AI Road Map: Overcome Fear of AI - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 09, 2024

So many people have been worried that AI will take their jobs or wipe out their professions.


Since AI became so popular, in leading sessions with teams and employability sessions with university students and job seekers, I always say that AI will not replace anyone; it is people who know how to use AI that will replace people who are ignorant.


While speaking with someone a few days ago, I said the best way out for you is to create a personal AI roadmap. If you run a business, create an AI roadmap for your business. The truth is anyone or any business not doing this will be left behind.


AI is already and will continue to be a major driver. Being passive about it will lead to chaos in a few weeks, months, and years.


I told someone, do not be worried about AI; develop foresight and proactive actions about AI. 


Worry will not change anything, but learning, unlearning, and relearning will change so much and position you for better success.


Here is a personal AI sample road map I suggest for you reading this;

Step 1: Understand AI Basics

Learn the Fundamentals: Start with online courses, articles, and videos to understand what AI is and how it works. 

Key Concepts: Focus on basic concepts like machine learning, neural networks, and data science.


Step 2: Identify Relevant AI Tools

Research AI Tools: Identify AI tools and applications relevant to your field. For example, marketers can explore tools like chatbots and predictive analytics, while designers might look into AI-driven design software.

Stay Updated: Follow AI news and updates through tech blogs, newsletters, and podcasts.


Step 3: Develop Practical Skills

Hands-On Practice: Engage with practical AI applications. 

Projects and Challenges: Participate in AI projects or challenges on websites like GitHub or competitions on Kaggle to build real-world experience.


Step 4: Integrate AI into Your Work

Apply AI Solutions: Start integrating AI tools into your daily work. For instance, use AI for automating repetitive tasks, improving customer service, or analyzing data trends.

Experiment and Adapt: Test different AI tools and methods, and adapt them to fit your needs and enhance productivity.


Step 5: Continuous Learning and Networking

Join AI Communities: Become part of AI communities and forums like LinkedIn groups. Networking with professionals can provide insights and opportunities.

Ongoing Education: Regularly update your knowledge with advanced courses and certifications. Attend webinars, workshops, and conferences to stay informed about the latest AI advancements.


Having the right foundation in AI will not happen overnight.


Follow the above roadmap, and give yourself time and you will move from being worried and passive about AI to being proactive and leveraging AI to advance the work you do. 


Now, get to work. 


Any questions for me?




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 

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Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

2 Things You Must Get Right As An Expert In This Digital Age - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 06, 2024

2 Things You Must Get Right As An Expert In This Digital Age

I began my training, consulting, and coaching career in a semi-urban town (Kumbo-Nso) in the North West Region of Cameroon close to 15 years ago. At the time, internet access was not as prevalent as it is today, nor was access to information.

Over time, I have grown and have traveled, worked, and lived across global megacities like Dubai, Washington, Istanbul, Houston, Johannesburg, and more, where there is high tech and massive access to information.

I can tell you from firsthand experience, it is more difficult to make meaningful connections now than it used to be because of the digital age.

People are still craving meaningful connections. I even believe that some Gen Zs and especially Gen Alpha, who have been entirely born in the 21st century, do not even know what genuine, meaningful human connections mean. People born into the internet age, and most parents babysit them with iPads and tech in general, lol.

Here is what I am saying:

I believe that any expert in this dispensation who will create meaningful change in the lives of people must know how to build and maintain meaningful relationships.

2 things I believe we should be doing:

1. Give people the opportunity to connect with you:
What I mean is, break down barriers as much as you can. Instead of using too many apps, imagine having a system where you step in and offer coffee and a physical meeting. Give people the opportunity to connect with you and be proactive in connecting with them. This should be done from a place of intentionality.

2. Give people genuine, human experience solutions:
Sometimes, I call this empathized solutions. Going on ChatGPT and asking for a solution and talking with a fellow human to get the same solutions from someone who has walked that path is totally different and more powerful than anything else. Human experiences will always be highly sought after and irreplaceable.

The question we should be asking ourselves is:
- How easy is it for people to connect with you, and how proactive are you in connecting with others?
- What human experiences have you gone through in your life that you use to build and share solutions with fellow humans?

What other changes do we need to make?


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Future of Work

Why Your Endless Hard Work Have Not Yielded Results in Career & Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 03, 2024

Why Your Endless Hard Work Have Not Yielded Results in Career & Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 


A young man reached out to me and asked for coaching, and in one of his messages, he said, "I have done everything I know and yet nothing is moving in my business." 


In the course of talking with him, we discussed a few things regarding his business, and one of the things we spoke about is what I want to share with you today.


If you consistently work hard on something, put in your best effort, and yet the results do not commensurate with the hard work you are putting in, there is something you do not yet know about that thing you are working on that you need to know.


If you consistently work hard, give it your all, and still don't see the results that match your efforts, there is something missing in your understanding of the task at hand.


Hard work (diligent work), is a reliable force that consistently yields results. It's irreplaceable. 


Before you argue that smart work is better than hard work, consider that smart work combines the right knowledge and tools with hard work to achieve desired outcomes. Having the tools and knowledge but not being willing to put in the necessary effort isn't smart work; it is laziness.


Here are some questions to ponder if you are working hard but not seeing the right results:


Are you diligently working on your career but not seeing any progress? Ask yourself, what do I need to learn about career growth that I might not know yet?


Are you putting effort into your business, but growth and profitability remain difficult? Consider what insights you might be missing about enhancing business growth and profitability.


Hard work should be fulfilling, not a struggle.


It becomes enjoyable when it leads to results, and burdensome when it doesn’t.


I often say, "The quality of the questions you ask determines the quality of the results you get in life & career."


Working hard without direction in your career or business will not take you far. 


Instead, seek to understand the nuances of your work, ask the right questions, and be ready to adapt your strategies. 


This will not only enhance your work but will also pave the way to greater success and satisfaction.


Before I go, here are some questions I encourage you ask before you continue working hard;

- What specific goals am I working towards in my career and business?

- What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for my role/business, and how do they measure up?

- Have I sought feedback from mentors, peers, or customers recently?

- Am I prioritizing my tasks effectively to maximize productivity and impact?

- What new skills or knowledge do I need to acquire to advance further?

- How well am I networking within my industry?


Which of the above questions do you need to sit and seek the right way out?


Leave me a comment if you were blessed with this. 




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy



When I am not delivering business & corporate training, or doing some business analysis or consulting, I am Helping Professionals & Entrepreneurs Like You Build & Monetize Thought Leadership, Attention & Credibility for Global Opportunities Through My Signature Frameworks. Would you want me to speak in your upcoming event/community? Or podcast guest? With my experience of speaking across 18+ nations, I bring some style on stage. DM or email  

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

How to Get More Business Opportunities as a Service Provider by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
May 01, 2024

I recently had the opportunity of speaking at an online event organized by a vibrant community of West African professionals, predominantly from Nigeria and Ghana. 


This community is made up of digital service providers specializing in a diverse range of services from website building and app development to social media management and graphic design.


During my session, I touched on various topics, but there is one particular insight I would like to share with you.


I told the audience, "As a service provider, if you ensure that you have developed your skills to offer the right value, possess the confidence to showcase this value, and have the courage to negotiate, you will always close deals and get more business opportunities."


Why did I emphasize this point?


In my experience, many professionals are passionate but lack the required value needed to make a significant impact in the lives of their targeted clients. 


Some are skilled, but if they cannot effectively communicate the worth of their services, their potential remains untapped.


Others possess the right skills and can even articulate their value, yet they struggle when it comes to pricing. They lack the boldness to ask for what they truly deserve, often undervaluing their work in a competitive market.


Some professionals have the right skills and confidence but lack the negotiation prowess needed to seal deals that reflect their true value. Moreover, negotiation is an art that not all possess. - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 


Here is my conclusion;


To thrive as a service provider in the digital age, one must develop a multifaceted approach: 

- Refining skills continuously

- Confidently projecting one's value

- Courageously asking for rightful compensation, and 

- Mastering the art of negotiation. 


This comprehensive strategy ensures not just survival but prosperity in the growing marketplace.


I believe when you embrace this simple and yet profound process, you can transform your career, moving from merely being a participant in the digital economy to becoming a formidable player. 


Let me know, which of these speaks to you? Where will you be making changes?




Dr. Joyert Javnyuy

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

2 Signs You Are Not Ready to be an Entrepreneur by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 30, 2024

If you are considering stepping into entrepreneurship, there are a few signs that might suggest you are not quite ready. 


For one, if the thought of looking foolish terrifies you, you might want to pause.


If the thought of being publicly embarrassed terrifies you, you might want to wait.  


The path of an entrepreneur is paved with moments where you will need to step out of your comfort zone and possibly make mistakes in full view of others.


Becoming an entrepreneur isn't just about having a brilliant idea or even the right resources.


It's about being ready to face certain emotional challenges that are part and parcel of the startup journey.


It’s natural to fear failure. 


No one enjoys the feeling of falling short, especially when stakes are high. But as an entrepreneur, you will face moments where your ideas might not pan out as expected. 


The key isn’t to avoid failure but to learn from it and keep moving forward.


Remember, every successful entrepreneur you can think of started as a beginner. 


Think of Aliko Dangote, Tony Elumelu, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. Each of them had to start somewhere, likely making mistakes and facing setbacks along the way. 


What sets them apart is their resilience and their willingness to persist despite potential embarrassment and failure.


To thrive as an entrepreneur, you must embrace these discomforts. 


Consider them not as roadblocks but as stepping stones. With each challenge, you learn a bit more about running a business, about yourself, and about how to handle adversity. 


This mindset doesn’t just help you survive the entrepreneurial journey; it helps you excel in it.


The truth is, entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It requires a certain tolerance for uncertainty and discomfort. 


But if you can make peace with potentially looking foolish and view each setback as an opportunity to learn and grow, you're not just ready to start a business, you are ready to lead it to success.


So, take a moment to reflect. 


If you can see the value in every beginner’s mistakes and still feel excited about forging ahead, then perhaps you are more prepared than you think. 


After all, every master was once a beginner. Just as they did, you have the chance to start, fail, learn, and eventually, succeed.




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups

The Foundations of Longevity in Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 29, 2024

The Foundations of Longevity in Business - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Back in late 2022, my office in Douala, Cameroon, turned into a lively hub where young entrepreneurs gathered regularly.

We would meet to talk, share ideas, and figure out how we could help each other grow.

These meetings were full of life and very hands-on, which made everyone feel like they were part of something special. We often ended up sharing useful things like where to find funding and how to tackle common business challenges.

During one of these sessions, I shared a thought that really resonated with the group.

I said, "Anyone can launch a business, but only those with the right mindset, expertise, and leadership skills can build a company that will thrive."

This came from my own experiences and observations in the business world. It's about more than just starting something; it’s about building it in a way that stands the test of time.

Let me break down the quote in a few words.

Why the right mindset?
The foundation of any successful business lies in the mindset of its founder. A growth-oriented mindset characterized by resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning is essential. Startup founders with the right mindset see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Why Expertise?
This is broad however, while passion is important, it must be underpinned by solid expertise in the business’s core areas. This includes understanding the market, knowing the customer, and having the technical know-how to deliver products or services effectively. Startup founders should either possess this expertise or recognize gaps in their knowledge and fill them by hiring the right people or seeking further education.

Why leadership?
This is critical. Leadership is the glue that holds a company together as it grows. Effective leadership involves setting a clear vision, communicating it effectively to the team, and inspiring people to work together towards common goals.

Good leaders foster a culture of transparency and trust, empower their employees, and promote accountability. As startups typically work with limited resources and under significant pressure, the ability to lead effectively can make a significant difference in employee retention and satisfaction, which in turn impacts productivity and innovation.

What would you add to this?


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy



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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups

The Ignored Soft Skill That Can Destroy Your Life & Career as a Leader - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 28, 2024

The Ignored Soft Skill That Can Destroy Your Life & Career as a Leader.


In my entrepreneurial and professional journey, I have the privilege to lead and serve in different leadership capacities. I have learned a thing or two from my practical experience. 


In leadership, especially entrepreneurial leadership, patience is not just a virtue; it is a strategic advantage. 


Oftentimes, in entrepreneurship, speed is an advantage however, hasty decisions often miss crucial details, while measured responses benefit from deeper insight. 


Here is my belief, leaders who pause before responding demonstrate control not only over their decisions but also over their emotions. This restraint can be transformative, both personally and professionally.


Imagine you're confronted with a tough decision or a critical comment. The instinct might be to react immediately, but there's immense power in pausing. 


It tells your team or clients that you value thoughtful decisions over quick fixes. 


This practice of pausing allows you to gather more information, consult more broadly, and consider the implications of your actions more fully. 


It’s about crafting responses that are not only correct but also considerate and constructive.


I always say, "There is nothing wrong telling someone to give you time to think about something." 


Personally as a Kingdom person, I believe and rely strongly on the leadership of the Holy Spirit in decision making. My team will always often hear me say, "Give me time to pray about it." 


You see, pausing to think, meditate or pray provides a moment of reflection that is essential in today’s fast-paced world. 


It allows leaders like us to align their actions with their values and the larger goals of their organization. It shows that they are not swayed by the heat of the moment but guided by a consistent ethical compass.


This does more than improve decision-making; it enhances your relationships. 


How does this enhance relationships? You may be asking. 


You see, when people see a leader who reflects before reacting, they see someone who respects and considers the perspectives of others. This builds trust and respect, foundational elements of successful teams.


Embracing a slower response time might seem counterintuitive in a world that values speed. 


However, for those in leadership, it is a clear path to more thoughtful, ethical, and effective leadership. 


It is a simple strategy with profound impacts on your leadership journey and beyond.


Do you agree with me?




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 

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Tags: Business Continuity, Leadership, Management

The biggest nightmare of new or emerging thought leaders by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 25, 2024

The biggest nightmare of new or emerging thought leaders.


Take a moment.


You see, for emerging thought leaders, obscurity is a formidable barrier. I have been there.


Obscurity is the significant disconnect between possessing transformative ideas and the ability to influence public or professional settings. This disconnection not only impedes the spread of valuable insights but also costs emerging thought leaders career opportunities, growth in their industries, and the fulfillment that comes with making an impact.


4 main pain points of obscurity;

- Limited Influence: Limited influence restricts your ability to impact discussions and decisions within your industry.

- Missed Opportunities: Obscurity can lead to missed opportunities for collaborations, speaking engagements, and partnerships that are crucial for growth.

- Reduced Credibility: Being less known can often be equated with having less credibility. New thought leaders might find it difficult to be taken seriously by peers and potential followers if they haven't yet established a strong presence.

- Economic Impact: Without recognition, it’s harder to monetize expertise through books, courses, consulting, or speaking engagements.


The 4-Step Basic Process to Overcome Obscurity

- Collaborate with Established Leaders: Reach out to existing thought leaders for collaboration opportunities. Co-authoring articles, appearing on podcasts, or conducting joint seminars are excellent ways to gain immediate exposure and credibility.

- Develop a Strong Online Presence: Establishing a robust online platforms is crucial. From social media to websites, get it right. It takes some time and investment. 

- Communicate with Clarity: Develop the ability to express your ideas clearly and compellingly to resonate with your audience using different channels. Add a touch of storytelling. 

- Creating Local Impact: Engage with local communities. This encourages deeper connections and can turn local followers into advocates for your message. For example, people in your church, people in your neighborhood, local community library and more. 

- Highlight Success Stories: Share testimonials or success stories from within your community. This not only provides proof of impact but also celebrates community achievements.


For thought leaders breaking out of obscurity, the future is bright. With consistent effort, your ideas will not only reach but also resonate with a wider audience.


This expanded influence can lead to more speaking engagements, consultancy opportunities, and a prominent voice in shaping discussions in your field. 


As your impact grows, so too will your ability to effect change, driving innovation and inspiring others. The journey from obscurity to recognition is challenging but deeply rewarding, promising a future where your ideas pave the way for new thinking and progress.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

This is Destroying Many in This Generation. Are You Involved? – Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 09, 2024

This is destroying so many Millennials & Gen Zs. Are you involved?

Appearances often overshadow substance, we find ourselves at a crossroads between what feels good and what truly is good.

You can refer to this as vanity metrics.

Let me explain in my own words what vanity metrics are. My personal view of vanity metrics involves focusing on superficial aspects, such as social media popularity without real substance, and valuing material things like fancy cars and clothes, using these to measure your success and significance in life. It is time to stop focusing on things that look impressive on the surface but don’t truly reflect the effectiveness or depth of an endeavor or your purpose.

It is time to go beyond vanity metrics. Go for significant metrics.

It’s time to shift our focus towards significant metrics, which offer a deeper, more insightful analysis of performance and impact. Significant metrics allow us to measure what truly matters, guiding better decision-making and strategy development.

To lead a more productive and purposeful life, it’s time we shift our focus to significant metrics those that genuinely reflect our personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment. These metrics provide a more authentic gauge of our life’s quality and achievements. Here are ten examples of personal significant metrics that can guide individuals towards a more meaningful existence:

Personal Growth: Measuring the steps taken towards self-improvement, such as learning new skills, reading books, or attending workshops, indicating continuous personal development.

Quality of Relationships: Evaluating the depth and meaningfulness of personal relationships, including family, friends, and partners, to ensure a supportive and enriching social life.

Physical Health: Tracking metrics related to physical well-being, such as exercise frequency, nutritional balance, and sleep quality, to maintain a healthy body.

Mental Well-being: Monitoring indicators of mental health, including stress levels, emotional stability, and happiness, to ensure a balanced and positive state of mind.

Financial Security: Measuring one’s progress towards financial goals, savings rate, and investment growth, ensuring a stable and secure financial future.

Contribution to Community: Gauging involvement in community service or volunteering, reflecting a commitment to giving back and making a difference.

Work-Life Balance: Assessing the equilibrium between professional obligations and personal life, ensuring neither is neglected in pursuit of the other.

Achievement of Goals: Tracking progress towards personal and professional goals, celebrating milestones, and adjusting strategies as necessary to achieve success.

Personal Happiness: Measuring overall satisfaction and joy in life, reflecting on experiences, accomplishments, and moments of happiness to gauge well-being.

Resilience: Evaluating one’s ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and overcome challenges, indicating strength and flexibility in facing life’s uncertainties.

By focusing on these significant metrics, individuals can cultivate a life that is not only productive but also deeply fulfilling.

It is time to go beyond vanity metrics. Go for significant metrics.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Branding

Is This How to Attain Sustainable Success? - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 07, 2024

I was reading an article in which one of the world's most successful venture capitalists said something critical.


He said, "If you’re starting out, stick to what you know. It's wise to focus on your area of expertise rather than venturing into sectors that you aren’t familiar with."


I think many people, after 5 to 10 to 20 years and even beyond, find it difficult to achieve sustainable success because they do not start out and stick to what they know.


They quickly shift focus and do other things, mostly because of trends, or because they saw someone succeeding in that area, or because they just lack the consistency to master a particular path.


Check anyone who is doing great in any sector, go track their history, and you will notice years and years of hard work in that path. Focus is not just about ignoring distractions; it's about dedicating your energies to become the best in your field. This dedication to focus is what sets them apart from the rest.


What is the way forward?


If you are starting out or are just in the early years of your journey, do the following:

- Identify what you know (if you are not skillful at anything yet, set out to pick a sector and become highly skilled in that sector).

Note: Identifying what you know or what you have the potential to excel at is the first step. It requires a deep dive into your interests, skills, and passions to discover where your expertise truly lies.


- Stick to what you know and focus on improving to be among the top 10% in that sector.

Note: Mastery is not achieved overnight. It involves continuous learning, practice, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in your chosen field.


- Find ways to scale what you know and keep doubling down on your impact.

Note: This might involve leveraging technology, building a team, or expanding your market reach.


Let me add this. Innovation within one's field of expertise ensures that one remains at the forefront of their sector. This requires not just deepening existing knowledge but also branching out to adjacent areas that can enrich and augment one's core skills. For instance, a financial analyst might explore data science to enhance predictive modeling capabilities, thereby offering more insightful analyses.


The journey to sustained success is a marathon, not a sprint. By identifying your expertise, focusing on it, and finding ways to scale your impact, you can achieve remarkable success. 


To round off, let answer one of the most popular questions people always ask me:

How long does it take to achieve mastery in a field? 

My opinion: Mastery is a continuous process, but significant proficiency can often be achieved with dedicated effort over several years. Like 4 years and above. 




Dr. Joybert Javnyuy 

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Branding

Rejection is Not an Invitation to Stagnation - Dr. Joybert Javnyuy
April 04, 2024

A few weeks ago, I was rejected from an opportunity I was pursuing and really needed to materialize into something great. Due to the impact of this rejection, I almost decided not to try again. Then, as I was pondering, this phrase hit me: "Rejection is Not an Invitation to Stagnation."


As an Entrepreneur and Executive, Rejection is Not an Invitation to Stagnation.


Rejection is a universal experience, especially prevalent in the entrepreneurial journey. It’s the cold email that goes unanswered, the pitch that doesn’t land, or the product launch that fails after investing your life savings. However, for a resilient entrepreneur and executive, rejection is not the end but a pivotal point for growth, innovation, and reinvention.


In the world of business, rejection can feel like a daily ritual. From the investor who doesn’t see the potential in your startup to the client who chooses your competitor, each rejection carries with it the weight of potential failure. 


But herein lies the paradox of entrepreneurship: without facing rejection, growth remains a theoretical concept, not a lived experience. Did you read that statement well. Let me say it again: without facing rejection, growth remains a theoretical concept, not a lived experience.


The key to navigating the business landscape is not in avoiding rejection but in transforming it into a stepping stone for success.


Rejection in business can take many forms. It might be direct, such as a declined proposal, or indirect, like dwindling sales numbers indicating market disinterest. It’s essential to understand that rejection is not always personal nor an indicator of failure. Often, it’s a mismatch between what is offered and what is needed at a particular time or a sign that a different approach is needed. Yes, rejection can be a sign. 


Here is the fact, the sting of rejection is real and can lead to self-doubt, decreased motivation, and even burnout if not properly managed. However, successful entrepreneurs learn to separate their self-worth from their business outcomes. They treat rejection as a source of feedback and a means to refine their strategies, not as a reflection of their capabilities or value.


Are you still with me? Let us proceed. 


Resilience is the entrepreneur’s armor against the inevitable battles with rejection. It is the quality that allows one to bounce back stronger, wiser, and more determined.


In the entrepreneurial context, resilience is the ability to withstand and adapt to challenges, setbacks, and failures. It’s about having the mental fortitude to persevere in the face of adversity, maintaining a positive outlook, and finding innovative solutions to problems.


Building Resilience: Practical Steps

- Learning from Failure

Each failure is a lesson in disguise. Analyzing what went wrong and why helps in avoiding similar pitfalls in the future. This learning process is invaluable for personal and business growth.


- Networking and Support Systems

Building a robust network of mentors, peers, and supporters provides a safety net during tough times. These relationships offer practical advice, emotional support, and sometimes, a different perspective that can help you see the silver lining in rejection.


- Maintaining Perspective

Keeping setbacks in perspective is crucial. One rejection does not define your business or your worth as an entrepreneur. It’s essential to celebrate the small victories along the way and remember that persistence and adaptability are key to long-term success.


Strategies to Overcome Rejection

Overcoming rejection is not just about bouncing back; it’s about bouncing forward. Here are strategies to help turn rejection into a catalyst for growth.


- Reframing Your Approach to Failure

Viewing failure as part of the entrepreneurial process can change how you respond to rejection. Instead of seeing it as a setback, consider it a necessary step towards finding the right path for your business.


- Innovation as a Response to Rejection

Rejection often highlights the need for a pivot or innovation. Whether it’s tweaking your product based on customer feedback or overhauling your business model, use rejection as an impetus for creative problem-solving.


- Seeking Feedback and Acting on It

After facing rejection, seek constructive feedback from those who turned you down. This insight can be gold, offering direct pointers on what can be improved or changed for better outcomes in the future.


- Pivoting Your Business Strategy

Sometimes, consistent rejection is a sign that a more significant change is needed. Be open to pivoting your strategy or even reimagining your business if it means moving closer to your goals.


Lessons Learned and Strategies Applied

The common thread among these success stories is the refusal to see rejection as a final verdict. Instead, these entrepreneurs used rejection as feedback, an opportunity to refine their visions, and proof that their journey wasn’t over. The key takeaways include:


This article will not be complete if I do not talk about growth mindset. Why? You may be asking. 


At the core of bouncing back from rejection is the concept of a growth mindset — a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work.


What is a Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset, a term coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, describes the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When entrepreneurs adopt a growth mindset, they embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others.


How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset in Your Team

Fostering a growth mindset within a team begins with leadership. Here are practical steps to encourage this perspective:


- Encourage learning from failures as much as from successes.

- Promote a culture of feedback where constructive criticism is viewed as a tool for improvement.

- Set challenges as learning opportunities and celebrate the effort, not just the outcome.


Rejection, though an unwelcome guest in the entrepreneurial journey, is an integral part of the path to success. It tests resilience, fosters innovation, and, most importantly, teaches invaluable lessons that success alone could never impart. Rejection will teach you lessons no book or coach can teach you.


Embracing rejection as an opportunity for growth, rather than a blockade to progress, sets the foundation for a resilient, innovative, and successful entrepreneurial venture.


Some questions you should ask yourself:

  1. How do I differentiate between constructive and non-constructive rejection?

Constructive rejection often comes with feedback or reasons, providing insight into how to improve. Non-constructive rejection might lack explanation but can still serve as an impetus to reevaluate and refine your approach.


  1. Can rejection actually benefit my business in the long term?

Absolutely. Rejection forces you to question, reevaluate, and improve your business model, product, or approach, leading to stronger strategies and offerings.


  1. How can I maintain motivation in the face of repeated rejection?

Focus on learning from each rejection, seek support from mentors and peers, and celebrate the small victories. Remember, resilience builds over time and with experience.


  1. Is there a point at which I should take repeated rejections as a sign to give up?

Rather than viewing it as giving up, consider whether repeated rejections indicate a need to pivot or significantly change your approach. It's about finding the right path, which sometimes requires major adjustments.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

How Personal Brand on Social Media Contribute to Financial Success - Joybert Javnyuy
April 02, 2024

In a group WhatsApp call with a couple of friends, we were talking about various topics, and one of my friends asked me a question. He said, "How does a personal brand on #socialmedia really contribute to someone's financial growth?"


I extensively spoke about this and shared some examples. However, for the sake of this brief article, let me share a few:


  1. Visibility and Recognition: A strong personal brand increases visibility in your industry, making you more recognizable to potential clients or partners.

Action: Regularly post valuable content related to your field.

Action: Engage with industry leaders' content to increase your visibility.


  1. Trust and Authority: Establishing yourself as a knowledgeable expert builds trust with your audience, leading to more business opportunities.

Action: Share insights, trends, and tips that add value to your followers.

Action: Create how-to guides or tutorials in your area of expertise.


  1. Networking Opportunities: Social media enables connections with peers, mentors, and potential investors who can offer support and opportunities.

Action: Use hashtags and join groups related to your industry to find and connect with like-minded professionals.

Action: Participate in or host live webinars and Q&A sessions to engage your network.


  1. Market Differentiation: Your personal brand helps you stand out from the competition, highlighting your unique value proposition.

Action: Share your personal stories and experiences that relate to your professional journey.

Action: Showcase client testimonials and success stories to highlight your achievements.


  1. Revenue Growth: A strong brand attracts paid opportunities, such as sponsorships, speaking engagements, and consultancy roles.

Action: Announce your availability for speaking engagements or consultancy work on your profile.

Action: Collaborate with brands for sponsored content that aligns with your expertise.


Thank you for reading through. 


Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding

Activate Your Emotional Thermostat – Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 28, 2024

While on a coaching call with a lady, I asked her an unexpected question: "Did you regulate the thermostat in your house today to achieve the desired temperature?"

You see, in the journey towards achieving and sustaining success, this factor plays a pivotal role, akin to the functionality of a thermostat in regulating temperature.

Just as a thermostat maintains an environment's temperature at a set point, effectively managing our emotional responses keeps us in a balanced state, conducive to achieving our goals and maintaining personal well-being.

Success, both in personal endeavors and professional pursuits, is significantly influenced by our emotional drive. This drive propels us forward, fueling our passion, perseverance, and resilience in the face of challenges. However, without the regulating mechanism of high emotional intelligence, this drive can lead us astray, turning potential victories into sources of stress and conflict.

The concept of an "emotional thermostat" metaphorically represents our ability to regulate our emotions. Just as a thermostat detects fluctuations in temperature and adjusts to maintain a set point, we must learn to recognize our emotional responses and adjust them to maintain emotional equilibrium. This regulation is crucial for leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives, whose decisions and behaviors have far-reaching impacts on their organizations and teams.

The Thermostat Analogy:
The relationship between regulating a thermostat and regulating our emotions lies in the principle of homeostasis—the ability to maintain a stable, balanced state despite external changes. In regulating a thermostat, we set a desired temperature and rely on the system to adjust heating or cooling to maintain that temperature. Similarly, regulating our emotions requires setting a "desired emotional state" and consciously adjusting our responses to maintain this state.

When you activate your emotional thermostat the following will happen:
- Refuse to let anger control your reactions in any situation.
- Avoid speaking impulsively when anger tries to take hold.
- Resist the urge to act recklessly on social media due to emotional turmoil.
- Decline to respond to provocations with anger.
- Choose not to let your emotions dictate your words and actions.
- Reject the temptation to make decisions based on fleeting emotions.
- Refrain from expressing anger without thought or consideration.
- Deny the impulse to lash out in frustration or anger.
- Commit to maintaining composure in emotionally charged situations.
- Decide against allowing temporary emotions to influence long-term relationships.

Effective emotional regulation involves:
Awareness: Recognizing our current emotional state and understanding its impact on our thoughts and actions.

Understanding: Identifying the triggers that cause emotional shifts and understanding why a particular emotion has surfaced.

Choice: Deciding how to respond to our emotions in a way that aligns with our values and goals.

Action: Taking proactive steps to manage our emotions and return to our desired emotional state, just as a thermostat activates heating or cooling to return to the set temperature.

Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. High EI provides us with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the workplace, build stronger relationships, and achieve our professional and personal goals.

To sign off, building and maintaining an effective emotional thermostat is essential for anyone aiming for sustained success and significance.

By developing our emotional intelligence, we empower ourselves to navigate life's ups and downs with grace, make informed decisions, and lead with empathy and understanding.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy



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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The Common Thread Among Winners - Javnyuy Joybert
March 21, 2024

While in high school, one of my uncles said to me, "The journey to success is paved with the stones of sacrifice."

I was just reflecting on this and I decided to put it down in writing.

You see, whether in career pursuits, business ventures, or personal growth, the willingness to forgo immediate pleasures for long-term achievements is a common thread among the accomplished. Let's unpack this.

At the outset, embracing sacrifice is pivotal. It's about setting a course with a clear acknowledgment that reaching the "top" of your goals will require letting go of certain comforts and distractions. However, this doesn't imply a blind forfeiture of everything. Sacrifices are selective and strategic, aimed at fostering growth and progress.

In any thriving career or business, you will notice a pattern of sacrifices. But it's essential to discern what to keep and what to let go of. Physical health, mental well-being, and family should never be on the chopping block. These are your pillars of strength, the very foundation that sustains you through the challenging journey.

Conversely, the sacrifices often involve cutting down on excessive entertainment, overcoming laziness, stepping out of comfort zones, shedding detrimental habits, and distancing from negative associations. These are the barriers to your growth, the factors holding you back from sailing towards your goals and dreams.

Let me share with you this quote. "The journey to success is not about the sacrifices you make, but about the growth those sacrifices enable." Javnyuy Joybert

Research supports this balanced approach. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals who could delay gratification and prioritize long-term goals over immediate pleasures were more successful in their personal and professional lives. Another research from Harvard Business Review highlights the significance of maintaining physical and mental health as key to sustained high performance in business and life.

Quote: "Sacrifice is not losing; it's strategically choosing to invest your resources in the dreams that matter most." Javnyuy Joybert

To set your heart on greatness, remind yourself, "On this path, I have chosen, I am ready to sacrifice so I can rise to the top." But remember, it's not about sacrificing everything. It's about wisely choosing what to let go of to ensure your growth isn't stunted by the trivial.

Let your sacrifices be your stepping stones, not stumbling blocks, on your journey to the top.

"In the economy of success, every sacrifice is a deposit into the bank of your future achievements." Javnyuy Joybert


Javnyuy Joybert



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Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Money Attraction Framework (MAF) by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 19, 2024

Money Attraction Framework (MAF) by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

This Money Attraction Framework is created on my belief that money is attracted to value and visibility, and not merely sought after, requires an understanding of how opportunities can be maximized. 

Why wait for success to find you? Take control, make a change, and start the journey towards a greater today.

Check out our #Money Attraction Framework (MAF)! It’s not magic, but it might as well be.

Wondering what’s inside? There’s only one way to find out.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Entrepreneurship

Framework for Visionary Business Launch with Limited Resources by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 18, 2024

Are you eager to turn your bold ideas into reality, but constrained by limited resources? This transformative framework (guide) provides the keys to success, offering innovative strategies and actionable insights.


Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, this framework will empower you to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve your goals.


Unlock the power of visionary entrepreneurship with Dr. Javnyuy Joybert's groundbreaking framework, Visionary Launch with Limited Resources. 

Read the full framework. 

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup

Humble Beginnings to Profitability Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
March 17, 2024

Humble Beginnings to Profitability Framework by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert


The saying of never underestimating humble beginnings has not only become a time-honored saying but also a foundational principle behind the world's greatest companies. 


Driven by this, I have dedicated myself to devising a straightforward yet profound framework that guides entrepreneurs from modest starts to profitable growth.


Here's a unique and original 6-step framework designed to guide startup entrepreneurs towards growth and profitability. I also call it the VACSSS Framework. Read more. 

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

5 +2 Startup Lessons From DHL's Early Days - Javnyuy Joybert
March 16, 2024

I vividly recall the moment years ago I received my first international package from the USA, delivered straight to me in Kumbo, a semi-urban locale in the North West Region of Cameroon, all thanks to DHL. Few days to receiving the parcel, I was not sleeping well (smiles).  


Even if you haven't personally received a parcel from DHL, chances are you have encountered their unmistakable presence. Whether coming across a DHL delivery van on the streets, exploring parcel delivery options, or simply noticing their logo in passing, DHL's global footprint is hard to miss.


In 1969, an old Plymouth Duster (car) with doors of different colors became the start of something big for three ambitious young men: Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom, and Robert Lynn. Their initials, DHL, would soon become synonymous with global parcel delivery.


Zoom ahead 55 years, and the DHL they initiated boasts a fleet of 250 planes, operates 32,000 vehicles, and employs over 550,000 people worldwide. By 2019, this logistic empire had amassed revenues reaching 65 Billion Euros, marking its presence in virtually every nation around the globe!


Here are 5 profound lessons from DHL's early days that are more relevant in 2024 than ever.


  1. Embrace Humble Beginnings

DHL's story teaches us the power of starting small. 

Your current resources, no matter how modest, are enough to begin. 

What you need is the vision to see beyond the immediate.

Maybe, you should stop thinking too much and just start with what you have. 


  1. Innovate Relentlessly

Innovation isn't a one-time act but a continuous process. 

DHL started with delivering parcels and evolved into a global logistics powerhouse by constantly adapting and innovating.


  1. Build a Strong Team Culture

The DHL acronym, derived from the founders' surnames, symbolizes more than a name; it represents unity and collaboration. Success is a collective effort, underscored by a team sharing a common goal.

Seek collective intelligence over individual intelligence.


  1. Expand Your Horizons

From a single car to a fleet of planes and vehicles, DHL's growth mindset emphasizes the importance of never being complacent. Always look for new markets and opportunities to grow. Growth happens when you take growth oriented actions. 


  1. Persistence Pays Off

DHL's journey from humble beginnings to a global leader is a testament to the power of perseverance. Obstacles are inevitable, but it's the persistent pursuit of your goals that leads to success. It has taken them decades to get here.


Bonus points


  1. Embrace Simplicity in Strategy: 

Many people try to sound complicated and sophisticated. No, radical simplicity in your business model can transform challenges into opportunities. Startups should aim for straightforward, easily understandable, and executable strategies that align with their core objectives.


  1. Foster Innovation from Within: 

DHL's Start-up Lab encourages internal innovation, showing the value of nurturing new ideas from the team. 

Startups should cultivate a culture that encourages experimentation and supports innovative thinking to drive growth . 


Whether you are starting a business, leading a team, or embarking on a personal project, remember that great achievements often start with simple steps. 


I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on applying these lessons in your journey. 


#BusinessGrowth #Innovation #Teamwork #Persistence #GlobalBusiness


Your insights?




Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups

Apple Blew $10 Billion? Even the Giants Stumble: The Lessons for Startups - Javnyuy Joybert
March 15, 2024

Apple Blew $10 Billion? Even the Giants Stumble: The Lessons for Startups - Javnyuy Joybert 


This will not be news for many. The news of Apple discontinuing its billion-dollar car project has been circulating widely across social media and various blogs. This significant move by the tech giant has caught the attention of many, sparking insightful discussions.


In the world of entrepreneurship, even the giants stumble with different projects. 


Take Apple's ambitious self-driving car project, which after years of development and a whopping $10 billion spent, was ultimately parked for good. 


Aimed at revolutionizing the auto industry with luxurious, self-driving minivans, Apple even flirted with the idea of acquiring Tesla at some point. Yet, despite their vast resources and technological prowess, the project hit a dead end due to;

- technical complexities

- costs, and 

- internal issues


So, I was just wondering. What can startup entrepreneurs learn from this?


  1. Innovation Requires Patience: 

Embarking on a project as groundbreaking as self-driving technology is a reminder of the patience required to innovate. Despite the disruptive ideas, realism about the challenges and costs involved is crucial. It’s about balancing ambition with feasibility.


  1. Every Failure Is a Lesson: 

Apple’s pivot away from the car business doesn't signal defeat but rather a strategic redirection. The tech giant's foray into the automotive space with CarPlay proves that even if the original vision doesn’t materialize, peripheral successes can emerge. For entrepreneurs, every setback should be a springboard for learning and pivoting.


  1. Alignment Is Key: 

The internal disagreements within Apple highlight the importance of aligning your team with the project’s vision and execution. For startups, ensuring everyone is on the same page can be the difference between flourishing and floundering. Will this be easy? No. However, it is not impossible. Leadership growth is critical here. 


  1. Know When to Fold: 

Perhaps the most valuable lesson is recognizing when to step back. In business, we win some and we lose some. Apple's decision to scrap this, despite the sunk costs, underscores the importance of knowing when to halt a project. This doesn’t mean giving up at the first sign of trouble but being wise about when to conserve resources for more viable ventures.


  1. Flexibility Is Your Asset: 

Apple's pivot from the project underscores the power of flexibility in the business world. For startups, the ability to adapt to new information, market changes, or technological hurdles is invaluable. Being rigid can lead to missed opportunities or continued investment in failing ventures. Embrace flexibility, and be prepared to adjust your strategies as needed.


  1. Focus on Core Strengths: 

While exploring new territories is important, Apple’s focus on CarPlay after the project illustrates the importance of leveraging core competencies. Startups should take note of this: while it’s beneficial to explore and innovate, remember to build on your existing strengths. This approach can lead to more sustainable growth and open up avenues for innovation and sales within your established domain.


In entrepreneurship, the journey is full of trials, but each misstep is rich with insights. As an entrepreneur, never waste challenges and failures. Tap into the lessons and build forward.  


Like Apple, embracing the lessons from every venture, successful or otherwise, can pave the way for future triumphs. 


Let’s not fear to chart ambitious courses; let's learn to navigate them with wisdom.


Blessings to your business. 


Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

This Will Make Your Goals Possible - Javnyuy Joybert
March 14, 2024

Many times, I like to sit and think deep about the process of living and manifesting our greatest potentials and purpose. 


You see, the journey toward achieving our goals is paved not just by the goals themselves but by the habits we form along the way. 


You will agree with me that it's a common misconception that simply setting goals is enough to achieve them. The truth, however, is far more complex and infinitely more rewarding. Whether it's about reaching entrepreneurial heights, advancing in our careers, enriching our family life, securing our financial future, or leading with vision, the secret lies in the habits we cultivate.


Think of each goal as a destination on a map. 


Follow me...


The habits you form are the steps you take on that journey. Without movement, without consistent and deliberate action, the destination remains a dream. It's akin to wanting to climb a mountain but never practicing the act of hiking or preparing your body for the tough ascent.


Let's break it down further. 


Want to become a successful entrepreneur? Form habits of resilience, continuous learning, marketing/sales, effective networking and more. 


Eyeing a promotion or a career leap? Cultivate the habit of taking on challenging projects, seeking feedback, and self-improvement. 


Hoping to foster a closer family bond? Make it a habit to dedicate quality time, communicate openly, and support each other's dreams. 


Aiming for financial stability or growth? Develop habits of saving, investing wisely, and managing debts effectively. 


Aspiring to be a visionary leader? Embrace habits of empathy, strategic thinking, and empowering others.


It's important to note that forming these habits doesn't happen overnight. It requires commitment, patience, and a willingness to step out of comfort zones. 


Hear me, the beauty of habit formation lies in its compounding effect. Each small action, each day you choose to stick to your habits, you move closer to your goals.


As we navigate the complexities of life and strive towards our goals, let's remind ourselves: the power to achieve them lies not in the goals themselves, but in the habits we form on our way there. 


Let's embrace the journey, one habit at a time.




Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Strategy, Coaching, Leadership

Entrepreneurship is the Game of 'Mad' Men & Women - Javnyuy Joybert
March 13, 2024

Let me brief you about this experience I had with my Uncle. We fondly called him Uncle Tatah. 

Uncle Tatah was a character, diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder, yet full of life. His visits were always memorable, particularly one in 1998 when he demonstrated an act of audacity that left a lasting impression for me. He frequently made visits due to his close bond with my mother.

One morning, around 3 AM, he proposed an unexpected adventure: to go to the neary forest and get firewood and fetch water from the stream. Overwhelmed with fear, I hesitated, but Uncle Tatah, undaunted by the darkness, proceeded alone. By sunrise, he had single-handedly accomplished the mission, simplifying our morning chores.


Growing up in the village, there is nothing in this world that will push me to the forest or stream in the night to look for anything. What would I be looking for in the nearby forest and stream at night? Absolutely nothing ooh! 


Entrepreneurship is often seen as a venture for the audaciously daring—individuals who possess an extraordinary zeal and courage. This brings to mind my late Uncle Tatah, whose spirit and fearlessness now inspire reflections on the essence of entrepreneurship. May his soul rest in peace.


This incident, upon reflection, led me to an epiphany about entrepreneurship: it is not for the faint-hearted. Uncle Tatah embodied the essence of what it means to be an entrepreneur—fearless, bold, and always ready to confront challenges head-on. Even within the family, he was known for his directness and courage, never hesitating to address issues or confront someone when necessary.


Uncle Tatah's actions in the dead of night, achieving what I could not dare even though it was my responsibility to make sure water and firewood is always at home, exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit. 


While others slept, he ventured out and succeeded, teaching us that entrepreneurship demands a blend of fearlessness, determination, and the willingness to take the road less traveled.


From Uncle Tatah's life and his approach to challenges, entrepreneurs can draw three key lessons:


- Boldness is Essential: To embark on entrepreneurial ventures, one must possess the courage to face fears and uncertainties. The willingness to step into the unknown, much like venturing into the forest at night, is what sets successful entrepreneurs apart.


- Action Overcomes Fear: Fearlessness is not the absence of fear but the determination to act despite it. Uncle Tatah's readiness to fulfill tasks that others shied away from highlights the importance of action in overcoming obstacles.


- The Value of Initiative: Success often comes to those who are willing to take the initiative while others hesitate. Uncle Tatah's proactive approach—accomplishing tasks while others slept—underscores the significance of seizing opportunities and making the most of one's time.


Entrepreneurship, much like Uncle Tatah's ventures into the night, is a journey for those who dare to defy the ordinary, confront their fears, and boldly step forward where others might hesitate.

Entrepreneurship is the game for 'mad' men and women. 

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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Is Leadership Supposed to be Sophisticated & Complicated? By Javnyuy Joybert
March 12, 2024

So a few days ago, I was reflecting on the state of leadership in 1990 when I was born and today. Just wondering how things must have changed. 


Leadership has undergone a significant transformation over the past years, shifting from traditional, hierarchical models to more inclusive, collaborative approaches. Just 10 years ago, leadership was predominantly about top-down directives, where leaders provided guidance and direction, expecting subordinates to follow without much input. 


This approach was rooted in a belief that leaders were more knowledgeable and capable than their followers, focusing on authority and control to achieve organizational goals.


Today, the landscape of leadership is markedly different. The 21st-century leadership model emphasizes;

- collaboration, 

- empowerment, and 

- inclusivity and more.  


Modern leaders are more likely to view themselves as part of a team rather than above it. They value the diverse perspectives and strengths of their team members, fostering an environment where open communication and collective decision-making are the norm. This shift reflects a broader understanding that intelligence and capability are distributed throughout teams, and that harnessing this collective potential is key to achieving success in today's complex, interconnected world .


Here is one truth, in today’s fast-paced world, the essence of (visionary) leadership has become increasingly significant. A common misconception is that leadership involves complexity and sophistication, but the reality is far simpler and more profound. True leadership is about making things easier, producing results, empowering individuals, and democratizing processes without adding unnecessary complications.


You must not be complicated and sophisticated before you can be a leader. 


Complexity and sophistication often serve as barriers rather than bridges. They can intimidate and alienate those we aim to inspire and lead. 


The hallmark of a great leader is;

- The ability to distill complex ideas into understandable, actionable tasks. 


This approach not only clarifies objectives but also encourages participation and innovation among team members. By making things easy, leaders can foster an environment where everyone feels valued and capable of contributing to the collective goal .


Producing results is another cornerstone of effective leadership. It's about setting clear, achievable goals and working collaboratively to reach them. Results are the measure of success in any endeavor, and a leader's ability to navigate the team towards achieving these outcomes is crucial .


Empowerment is at the heart of leadership. It’s about giving people the tools, resources, and confidence they need to succeed. When leaders empower their teams, they build a foundation of trust and respect that drives motivation and commitment.


Democratizing the leadership process is about inclusivity and diversity. A leader recognizes the value of different perspectives and encourages open dialogue. This approach ensures that decision-making is shared, and everyone has a stake in the success of the project .


To round up my talk, leadership is not about complicating things with jargon or creating exclusive circles. It's about simplicity, results, empowerment, and inclusivity. 


By focusing on these principles, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve great things, fostering an environment where innovation thrives and goals are reached collectively. 




Dr. Javnyuy Joybert


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Tags: Business Continuity, Business Strategy, Leadership

Turn Paralysis into Power...DO THESE - Javnyuy Joybert
March 11, 2024

This can be crazy and challenging. I know this because I have been there many times. 


For entrepreneurs and executives, the fear of venturing into unknown territories or making bold decisions can be paralyzing. 


This isn't just about facing new challenges; it's about confronting the daunting pressure of leadership, where every decision impacts not only your future but that of your business and or team. 


The weight of these expectations can create a stifling environment, where the fear of failure or misstep becomes a constant shadow, hindering innovation and bold leadership. True right?


This intensifies as the marketplace evolves rapidly, like what we have seen in the last 5 years (if I may say so) demanding quick adaptation and visionary thinking. 


In this high-stakes arena, hesitancy can lead to missed opportunities, allowing competitors to seize the advantage and potentially diminishing your brand's impact and growth. The haunting what-ifs of unexplored strategies and unclaimed market leadership can become a persistent echo, underscoring a narrative of potential unfulfilled.


However, there lies an intriguing possibility within this challenge: the untapped potential for transformative leadership that emerges when fear is confronted with audacity. 


Envision a leadership style that thrives on bold, innovative decisions, where advocating for your vision and embracing risk become the catalysts for disruption and growth. Imagine leading not from the sidelines but from the forefront, where your actions inspire confidence and drive within your team.


The future can be one of unparalleled growth and innovation, where fear transforms into the fuel for bold, strategic decisions that propel your business forward. 


By embracing audacity, advocating for your vision, and pursuing opportunities with relentless determination, you carve out a path of distinguished leadership and impactful change.


Let me say it again;

- Embrace audacity

- Advocate for your vision

- Pursue opportunities with relentless determination


The solution for entrepreneurs and executives facing these challenges is to reframe fear as an opportunity for growth.


Embrace the audacity to push boundaries, advocate for your innovations, and navigate the complexities of leadership with confidence. 


Let each bold step forward, taken despite fear, redefine what's possible for you and your business, turning potential into tangible success and results.


Build forward. 




Javnyuy Joybert

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management


2 Speakers
7 Dimensions of Power to Build for Dominance in This Century

Location: USA and Virtual    Fees: 3000

Service Type: Service Offered

In a rapidly evolving world, mastering the seven dimensions of power is crucial for achieving dominance in the 21st century. This transformative approach not only redefines success but also equips individuals and organizations with the tools to navigate and lead in this dynamic era.

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From Shadows to Spotlight: Turning a Troubled Past into a Bright Future

Location: USA and Virtual    Fees: 3000

Service Type: Service Offered

From a childhood marred by physical maltreatment and neglect at the hands of my stepfather, my life took a transformative turn when my aunt rescued me from that environment. This pivotal moment set me on a path to completing my DBA, traveling the world, and ultimately, establishing my own successful business.
Suggested topics:
- "Resilience in the Face of Adversity: From Turmoil to Triumph"
- "A Journey of Liberation: Overcoming Abuse to Achieve Business Success"
- "From Shadows to Spotlight: Turning a Troubled Past into a Bright Future"
- "Rising Above Challenges: My Path from Neglect to Global Explorer and Entrepreneur"
- "Transforming Pain into Purpose: My Story of Personal and Professional Redemption"

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