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Anne Bahr Thompson

Global Brand Strategist | Purpose and Sustainability Advisor at Do Good

New York, United States

Global Brand Strategist, Accomplished Researcher, Award Winning Thought-Leader, Author and International Speaker.

An early pioneer of the purpose space, a Superbrands Branding Leader, a Trust Across America Top Thought Leader and a GCPIT Global Woman in Leadership, Anne is the author of DO GOOD, which details her pioneering Me-to-We continuum of Brand Citizenship®. She is a listener, collaborator and tireless innovator above all else. Gifted in seeing the potential in people and brands, she invites others to gain new perspectives alongside her and guides them to strategically bring these new possibilities to life.

Today, much of Anne's focus is on supporting brand leaders integrating brand strategy, marketing communications and culture with purpose, sustainability and ESG principles. A former executive director of strategy and planning and head of consulting at Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy, she also has previously worked in strategic planning and product management corporate and wholesale banking and began her career at Grey Advertising.

Concurrent to working with clients, speaking and volunteering, she is: helping to advance IAA’s Global Sustainability Council; an Ambassador for Meaningful Business; an advisor to Overflow pbc; on the Council of Aspiration and Inspiration for the Spirit of Humanity Forum; and an active advocate for women’s issues, equity and belonging.

To every client, regardless of sector or size, Anne brings a depth of knowledge and understanding that only comes from interacting with a lengthy list of the world’s most valuable brands including Aegon, adidas, American Cancer Society, Citibank, Deloitte, Emerson, Hard Rock Cafe, IBM, ING, Jameson Irish Whiskey, JPMorgan Chase, Kingfisher, L’Oreal, Microsoft, NBCUniversal, Pearson, Pepsi, Prudential, Save the Children, Scandanavian Airlines, Skanska, Stolichnaya, Symantec, Thomasville, ThomsonReuters and UNICEF, among many others.

Anne holds an MBA from the Darden School at UVA and has taught marketing at NYU Stern School of Business’s London campus. She's also trained in GRI Sustainability Reporting and is a certified Image Consultant. Her writings have been published in Brands and Branding (Economist Books),, Bloomberg News, The Guardian, Journal of Brand Strategy and many other industry publications. And she’s been interviewed on numerous podcasts, radio shows and Fox Business, and spoken at the United Nations, international conferences, business schools and client events.

An active community volunteer, Anne has served on boards and committees for non-profits in both the US and the UK and is extremely proud of the work she has done for non-profit and humanitarian aid organizations.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: New York, NY USA
Speaking Topics: All speaking fees and engagements are customized for the audience. Speaking engagements often also include break-out sessions or workshops.

Speaking Fee $15,000 (In-Person), $7,500 (Virtual)

Personal Speaking Website:
Anne Bahr Thompson Points
Academic 0
Author 115
Influencer 72
Speaker 23
Entrepreneur 0
Total 210

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

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Anne Bahr Thompson - Integrating Business and Social Consciousness
January 07, 2024

Featured Topics

Taking a Stand on Social Issues with Purpose

Ally. Advocate. Activist. Many brand leaders continue to feel immense pressure to take a stand on social issues. A recent Bentley-Gallup Study revealed that purpose-driven activism can increase the chances of successfully expanding into new markets by 50 percent, while an Axios-Harris Poll study found that 59 percent of Americans think brands are leveraging hot-button issues for profit. Anne Bahr Thompson, author of Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship and a global brand strategist, will explore the nuances of aligning social issues with purpose. Through real-world examples, she’ll distill actionable strategies to balance purpose with people’s expectations — all at a time when taking a stand can pivot from passion to polarizing in a social media post.

The New Strategic Imperative for Brand Value Creation: Doing Good in Times of Uncertainty

Brands today are under immense pressure. Driven by evolving climate events, societal expectations, global economics and technological advancement, the business world is experiencing a shift as profound as the industrial revolution. Even with the evidence supporting purpose-centered models, many organizations are struggling to make the transition and integrate purpose effectively into their brands. Anne Bahr Thompson, Global Brand Strategist and author of Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship, explores how our definition of value creation and the traditional producer-consumer relationship are evolving as business models shift. Diving into her 5-step ME-to-WE continuum and using real-world examples, she demonstrates how legacy and newer brands alike are solving people’s daily ME needs alongside their bigger WE worries about the environment, the economy and social issues. Today, doing good is no longer a cost of doing business. Rather, it’s an investment into loyalty and sustainable growth.

Doing Good: leadership Obligation or Opportunity

Global brand expert Anne Bahr Thompson shares her expertise on why a sustainability mindset and ethos of citizenship are essentials for greater success - for you as a leader and for the companies you serve, boards included. Discover how her award-winning Brand Citizenship continuum disrupts conventional thinking about sustainability and encourages a more efficient, holistic approach to doing business and doing good while successfully balancing purpose and profit.

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: $5,000+
Average Hourly Rate: $300+
Number of Employees: 1-10
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 33.33
Change Management 30.26
CSR 55.83
Culture 30.17
Customer Experience
Customer Loyalty 33.72
Diversity and Inclusion 30.44
Entrepreneurship 30.22
Leadership 30.73
Marketing 31.15
Risk Management 30.28
Startups 30.22
Sustainability 36.36

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


19 Article/Blogs
2024: Five Mandates for Purposeful Leadership and Impact
December 29, 2023
Every New Year begins with a slate of good intentions and ambitious goals. As we stand on the threshold of 2024, amidst the buzz of ongoing geo-political conflicts, alarming news about climate change, ESG backlash, and increasing concern about the future of democracy, I have been reflecting on both the challenges and opportunities that brand leaders face.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR

Shaping the Future: Emergent themes for brand leadership as we approach 2024
November 29, 2023
In the midst of all the chaos, the intersection of brand leadership and social responsibility is becoming increasingly significant.

As we edge closer to 2024, I’ve seen five themes emerging for brand leaders to keep in mind in 2024 as they continue their journey along the pathway to purpose and sustainability.

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

Lessons from the Adidas-Kanye West Break-Up
October 29, 2023
The high-profile partnership and break-up between Adidas and Kanye West serves as a case study and reminder of the importance of good governance when choosing influencers. The saga of this collaboration, fraught from the beginning as exposed by Megan Twohey’s recent New York Times article, unveils profound insights into influencer marketing. It underscores the role of ethics and corporate governance – and emphasizes the vital need for enhanced transparency and comprehensive reputation risk management in influencer programs.

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Risk Management

A Climate Week 2023 Imperative for Brands: Navigating Purpose and Sustainability
September 22, 2023
With the spotlight on our planet's most pressing issues this past week, the demand for action from the business sector alongside governments was clear.

Excitingly, the majority of brand leaders I met are seeking ways to integrate doing good into all aspects of their work. They recognize the power they hold to have an impact and help create lasting behavior change as marketing and communications professionals.

That said, amidst the increasing pressure to grow financial and social value, many brands continue to conflate purpose with sustainability. And although these two concepts are intricately intertwined and mutually influential, they remain distinct. And herein lies the powerful link—the integration of purpose into sustainable practices amplifies a brand’s positive impact....

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

Purpose Is Growing Up: The Inseparable Connection with Product Quality
August 03, 2023
When Unilever’s new CEO Hein Schumacher recently announced that the company was emphasizing product quality to grow margins and volume, many marketers took it as big news…. Could this mean that performance marketing has triumphed and the focus on purpose is over?

Given public sentiment – even with political polarization – there’s little chance of that.

Yet, misconceptions that purpose revolves solely around lofty mission statements, social impact and philanthropic endeavors, detached from core product or service offerings, persist. Without a doubt it’s a misnomer to disregard the vital role product quality plays in activating purpose…. Doing what you say you do and delivering on your value proposition is essential for cultivating trust.

A reset around the meaning of purpose and the role it plays is not necessarily a bad thing. Indeed, it means purpose is growing up....

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Tags: CSR, Customer Loyalty, Marketing

From Rainbow Capitalism to Allyship
: Five Steps to Sustain Support and Avoid Pulling Back
June 05, 2023
Allyship. With the backlash against Target coming on the heels of the Anheuser-Bush, Bud Light-Dylan Mulvaney fiasco, Pride 2023 presents a perfect moment for business leaders to reflect on what allyship, DEI and belonging genuinely mean to them, both externally with customers, investors and other stakeholders and internally with employees.

Taking a stand is a filter of sorts for all of a brand’s actions and behaviors – not a one-time campaign, month-long event or, perhaps most importantly, reversible decision.… The lasting change that allyship is meant to cultivate comes from collaboration and sustained advocacy. Here are five practical steps for brand leaders to take to sustain allyship and avoid pulling back.

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Tags: CSR, Diversity and Inclusion, Marketing

Earth Day 2023: from short term profits to long-term impact
April 21, 2023
With greenwashing is in the spotlight and increasing regulation focused on curbing it, I’ve been surprised this week to see the number of brands still co-opting Earth Day for their own gain – falling short in promoting the urgent positive change needed to address climate change. Shallow engagement undermines public trust in brands as a whole – including those meaningfully advancing environmental awareness and taking bold actions as they reduce their carbon footprint, invest in renewable energy and support conservation.

So what can companies do to make a real impact and treat every day as Earth Day?

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

From Greenwashing to Greenhushing: Five Guidelines to Embrace Sustainability and Prevent Missteps
April 12, 2023
Even as environment, social and governance (ESG) measures of risk are being politicized in the US, the new European Commission Green Claims Directive will have a significant impact on business and brands – in Europe and across the globe. Understanding the broadening landscape of greenwashing, greenhushing and everything in between is therefore vital knowledge for all brand leaders navigating increasingly complex marketplace challenges.

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Tags: Sustainability, Marketing, Risk Management

Is political backlash against “woke” capitalism working?
March 16, 2023
Is Larry Fink’s 2023 letter an indication that political backlash against “woke” capitalism is working? I’d suggest yes…. And no.

This year, in his annual chairman letter released on March 14, Larry Fink addressed investors and CEOs together in one message. After being called out by both sides of the argument when it comes to taking action on climate change, Fink appears to have taken a cautious step back with his words at first blush. And while there are references to sustainability, ESG as a term notably is missing.

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Tags: CSR, Risk Management, Sustainability

Brand Leaders: Choose transparency over greenhushing
Anne Bahr Thompson
January 13, 2023
As people progressively call on the business sector to take greater action on climate change and social issues, brands increasingly are marketing and communicating their sustainability efforts. And as our depth of knowledge and understanding about sustainability enhances our understanding of what is and is not greenwashing, the bar for efficacy rises and escalates scrutiny of claims. And so it’s no surprise greenhushing is becoming a thing.

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Tags: Social, Sustainability, Leadership

Anne Bahr Thompson
January 03, 2023
The other day, I surprised myself…. I was working with a client and for the very first time noticed the word resolutions broke into two parts: RE + SOLUTIONS. And….wow! That put the concept of New Year’s resolutions into a new light for me.

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Tags: Leadership

Reflecting on the movement to DO MORE GOOD
Blog post
September 01, 2022

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Sustainability

Time to get purposeful about purpose: 10 guidelines to connect employees to purpose
Medium & Website blog
February 23, 2022

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Tags: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership

2022: Time for EmpIoyers to Get Purposeful about Purpose
January 06, 2022

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, HR

Employees First: The Great Resignation is not new/s
October 26, 2021

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Tags: Leadership, Future of Work, Change Management

Five guidelines for transforming culture & rewriting your employer narrative
July 27, 2021

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Future of Work

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through Belonging and Community
December 19, 2020

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Tags: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership

5 lessons from the pandemic: Agility, clarity, and sincerity define game play today
Business Fights Poverty
July 07, 2020

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Sustainability

The Intangible Things Employees Want from Employers
Harvard Business Review
December 03, 2015

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

1 Book
Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit
November 17, 2017
What business and thought leaders are saying about Do Good:

“A great read for any company seeking to incorporate a social mission into their brand, without sacrificing profits. Anne Bahr Thompson’s model of Brand Citizenship offers compelling advice and creative, yet practical, ways to connect with all stakeholders.” – Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of B Lab, the nonprofit behind the B Corp movement

”Do Good offers a timely blueprint for building a strong brand with social impact at the core, as customer and employee expectations for the role business plays in society continue to increase.” – Andy Polansky, Chief Executive Officer, Weber Shandwick Worldwide

“Anne’s book underscores what we experience each day as we work with the CEOs and companies in our coalition, and what the research has shown: that understanding and meeting significant stakeholder needs is critical for companies to prepare for 2020. Do Good is required reading for leaders who want to meet today’s business challenges head-on.” – Daryl Brewster, CEO, CECP: The CEO Force for Good

“Anne Bahr Thompson’s five-step Brand Citizenship model offers a new lens on the challenge of stewarding brands in an era of change and increasing complexity for brand owners.” – David Bickerton, Director of Communications, BP plc

“With her remarkable background and decades of experience, Anne Bahr Thompson has succeeded in joining profitability with purpose (a long-sought synchronization seldom achieved today) and crafted an exceptional framework for businesses to attain Brand Citizenship—which virtually guarantees a business success. A compelling read for everyone in business, I heartily endorse Do Good.” – Archie Carroll, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia; senior coauthor of Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management, 10th Edition

“Do Good is engaging, insightful, convincing, and useful. In a world where consumers, employees, and shareholders demand more from the brands they engage with, this book—and the unique Brand Citizenship model Thompson proposes within it—is essential reading for any business leader looking to unlock value and help their organization earn an extraordinary and irreplaceable role in people’s lives.” – Kevin Jasmin, Director of Corporate Brand Strategy, TD Ameritrade


Good works are no longer optional. Customers expect brands to truly care about them, their values, and the world at large. People want to see companies engage in fair employment practices, social responsibility, and charitable giving. In addition, they want companies to advocate on their behalf and make them feel that they are part of a larger community or grander mission. They demand more than half-hearted pledges or they’ll quickly call out negligence on social media, because doing good is not just an easy, one-time attention-getting effort. It’s an ethos that permeates every aspect of an enterprise, from how it delivers products and services to the way it treats employees, the community, and the environment. So, how exactly can companies foster this ethos?

As a Fortune 500 global brand strategist and researcher for more than 20 years, Anne Bahr Thompson has studied what consumers expect from brands and how the most successful companies respond. In her new book, DO GOOD: Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit (AMACOM), she explains how to embed social consciousness into a company’s DNA. Based on extensive research with thousands of consumers, Thompson confirms a new business mandate: Brand Citizenship. She offers a five-step model “that integrates doing good activities…with brand development to strengthen a brand’s reputation, foster greater loyalty, and enhance value creation. It’s a win-win-win solution that mutually benefits consumers, companies, and society.” The five steps of Brand Citizenship logically flow from one another:

Trust: Don’t Let Me Down. Brands that deliver on their promises are trusted more. Digital communications and information channels have made reciprocity one of five key requirements for trusted brands.
Enrichment: Enhance Daily Life. People identify more with—and are less price sensitive toward—brands that help them to simplify their routines, make mundane tasks less dull, and enrich their daily lives.
Responsibility: Behave Fairly. In a post-recession, flattened, and transparent world, customers expect brands to treat their employees fairly, behave ethically, and be proactive in their business practices.
Community: Connect Me. Brands that rally communities, motivate behavioral changes and fix social problems – provided they are not overtly political – attract more loyalists.
Contribution: Make Me Bigger Than I Am. Brands that play an active role in creating a more positive and life-enhancing future enrich loyalists’ lives by improving life on the planet.

DO GOOD helps leaders understand where their organizations are starting on the ME2WE continuum of Brand Citizenship and how to develop metrics to measure the perceptual, social, and financial impact of initiatives and programs. The book presents a wealth of business and brand case studies—ranging from legacy businesses to social enterprises, including Apple, Google, AMAZON, Walmart, and Vaseline to H&M, SunTrust Bank, Chipotle, Trader Joe’s, IKEA, and Burt’s Bees, as well lesser known companies such as Plum Organics, Lush, and Seventh Generation. With DO GOOD, business leaders will get an edge on implementing Brand Citizenship: a win-win-win solution for customers, society, and the bottom-line.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Customer Loyalty

1 Book Chapter
Brand Positioning and Brand Creation
Economist Books
November 27, 2003

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

1 Keynote
BRAND CITIZENSHIP: a mechanism for positive change in an ever-evolving, shape-shifting world
June 16, 2020

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Leadership

2 Media Interviews
Interview with Christine Sech at Brandemonium
brandchannel studio
October 02, 2018

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Marketing

5 Trends Brands Should Embrace with Lauren Simonetti of Fox Business
Fox Business
December 13, 2013

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

1 Panel
Brand Action, Sid Lee Mind Sparks
Sid Lee Mind Sparks
October 29, 2020
To call the current political and social climate a massive shakeup is an understatement. Is this calling to accounts an opportunity to redefine the place of business in society?

— It’s important to people to feel that a brand has purpose and shares their values before they advocate for it. This isn’t new. But the demand has deepened: it’s no longer enough for brands to state a belief or make token displays. People want their brands to act in line with those values.

— Change within business must be systematic and silos need to be broken down. Values are not a marketing issue; they need to be woven into a company’s DNA.

— Meaningful change takes time. Businesses, like individuals, need the opportunity for self-reflection and the space to try, fail, and try again. Looking within is the first step on the road to making change out in the world.

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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Marketing

7 Podcasts
How to be a brand that leads with purpose (even when the world feels volatile)
Storyhouse Fifteen, Lindsay Hotmore
July 26, 2023
• Why the conversation around purpose is evolving.
• What makes it so hard to truly be a purpose-driven brand
• The importance of aligning brand values with employees and customers in order to avoid a disconnect between the brand’s purpose and their perceptions.
• The necessity of engaging in dialogue with various audiences, particularly audiences that stand at the middle ground. How understanding the voices at both extremes and the middle of the spectrum can provide valuable insights and foster genuine connection with the audience.
• Core values should remain consistent, but the approach and methods to implement them can evolve over time, reflecting changing societal needs.
• It is vital for organizations to understand and internalize the essence of their brand and purpose. Being transparent about mistakes, acknowledging them, and finding solutions to fix them is essential in maintaining a trustworthy relationship with the audience.

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Sustainability

ANA Beyond Purpose – The Rise of Purpose 2.0 w/Anne Bahr Thompson
ANA (Association of NAtional Advertisers
November 09, 2022
Three years ago, the Beyond Profit podcast hit the airwaves to tackle the challenges marketers face in defining, activating, and advancing an authentic brand purpose. The first guest? That was purpose pioneer Anne Bahr Thompson, author of Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit.

The world has changed considerably since 2019, thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic, political unrest, powerful social movements, and global economic uncertainty. But over that time span, we have also seen the rise of purpose-led companies across industry sectors, as they look to make a meaningful difference for both people and planet.

In this episode of Beyond Profit, a podcast of the ANA Center for Brand Purpose, Anne Bahr Thompson returns to the show to chat with host Ken Beaulieu about the rise of Purpose 2.0, key lessons from her book that are more important than ever, why companies must truly live their stated purpose, and more.

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

Living your purpose narrative through the how
Narrativ Story Talks
October 31, 2021

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

Episode 121 – Anne Bahr Thompson talks about trust and Brand Citizenship
The Orsini Way: Difficult Conversations
December 08, 2020
Anne tells us all about herself and her ground breaking book.. She defines Brand Citizenship and tells us what drove her to communications and her “5-Step Model” that balances purpose and profit. Dr. Orsini and Anne talk about the word “trust” and how trust begins with living up to your point of view. Anne discusses in depth each part of the “5-Step Model”: trust, enrichment, responsibility, community, and contribution. We learn why Apple is number one. She shares with us how citizenship is actually about ‘me and we’ and how Apple has been delivering it this way. Why is Anne not fond of the word authenticity, but prefers using the word sincere? Leadership is another one of Dr. Orsini’s favorite topics, and Anne tells us about how she overcomes the challenges when everyone is not on board with the conversations. As Anne said, “It’s being comfortable and confident to be the best version of yourself,” and that’s what a good Brand Citizen is about. Also, we hear advice from Anne on how to get people to “buy in.” We end with Anne telling us the most difficult conversation that she has on a regular basis and she shares some great advice.

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Sustainability

ANA Center for Brand Purpose - Anne Bahr Thompson (Episode 1)
ANA (Association of National Advertisers)
December 14, 2018
Launch of the ANA's Center for Purpose: Anne Bahr Thompson, the author of "Do Good", joins ANA's Ken Beaulieu to chat about the topic of Brand Purpose.

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

AMA (American Management Association) Talks: Do Good
May 22, 2018

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

Marketing Matters interview with Barbara Kahn and Americus Reed
Wharton Business Radio
January 10, 2018

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Marketing

4 Webinars
The New Strategic Imperative for Brand Value Creation: Doing Good in Times of Uncertainty
Sustainable Brands (SB Turkey)
September 14, 2023
The pathway from 'ME' to 'WE' is more than a transition in branding; it's a metamorphosis in business philosophy. Today, we’re all standing at a crossroads, tasked with shaping the trajectories of brands and the collective future we aspire to create.

So as you consider your own journey along the Me-to-We Continuum, I challenge you reimagine your role as that of a steward of change as well as a marketer of products and services. Embracing the principles of Brand Citizenship infuses purpose into every facet of your organization, and weaves collective 'WE' concerns into the very fabric of your brand's development. Importantly, this is not a one-and-done the check the box exercise. The journey to sustainable business only has a beginning… no ending.

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Tags: CSR, Marketing, Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability – Defining Improved Social and Environmental Impact
ecornell, Johnson School of Graduate Mgmt Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise
May 10, 2023
The current business environment is fraught with contradictory news, making it increasingly difficult for companies to effectively embed sustainability into their organizations. The debate and backlash over environmental, social, and governance factors; pending legislation in the U.S. and E.U.; and the recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank have many in the C-suite on edge when it comes to managing financial, operational, and reputational impacts. A recent PwC survey indicated that CEOs recognize they need to reinvent their business model to survive.

So what does corporate survival actually entail in this age of juggling more responsibility, transparency, and accountability? We will explore this timely question with a series of discussions that center on sustainability as the foundation on which businesses can build their ethos and operations. Should companies, be they established or startup, assert a longer-term view of survival by incorporating a responsibility toward the environment and society alongside their stakeholders? Should an attitude of “We’re all in this together” become the norm that not only produces outstanding profits but also benefits communities and our planet? Should we look to entrepreneurs and innovators versus large corporations to lead the way with this new model of sustainable enterprise?

Politicization of the ESG concept has not stopped environmental, social, and governance from emerging as a critical framework to help stakeholders understand how businesses manage the nonfinancial risks and opportunities inherent in regular activities. It is becoming critical for companies — especially those that claim environmental and social sustainability virtues — to embed ESG into their DNA. Alongside this, many have also reframed Corporate Responsibility Officers as Chief Sustainability Officers.

Are these shifts evidence of a lasting movement toward a more sustainable business model? Do they indicate that business leaders will prioritize all stakeholders and include mechanisms to measure outcomes as well as outputs? And will new initiatives foster true change and tangible results with lasting impact on the urgent environmental and social issues challenging our world? Join us for a discussion with two global companies and a thought leader to hear their perspectives, visions, and hopes for sustainable initiatives.

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Tags: CSR, Leadership, Sustainability

Doing Good: Leadership Obligation or Opportunity
June 08, 2022

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Tags: CSR, Sustainability

Investor Perspective: Defining a Sustainable Company
Cornell Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise
April 25, 2022
The interest in sustainable investing has grown in recent years, but what constitutes a sustainable investment has not yet been consistently defined. This panel will focus on how investors approach sustainable investing and incorporate frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve inclusive, sustainable growth and reduce risk in their investment portfolio.

The conversation will highlight how startups can benefit from sustainability strategies as well as the importance of appropriate metrics in measuring social and environmental impact while improving financial returns. You will also hear from two companies that were founded on sustainability principles and how they have been using sustainability to position themselves to partner with investors who want to support them on their growth journey.

This event is co-hosted by the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise and the Capitalism and Social Good Group.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups, Sustainability

Thinkers360 Credentials

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5 Article/Blogs
Taking a Stand with Purpose in an Election Year: Navigating the Spectrum from Ally to Activist
February 28, 2024

In December, I had the privilege of speaking at the Association of National Advertisers-Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation event, Tapping Brand Potential for Social Good, which centered on the evolving and impactful role brands play in society. Today's heightened scrutiny and the push for genuine, purpose-aligned actions make the brand's role as an active citizen in societal issues more crucial than ever. Drawing upon the insights I shared at the ANA event and my client work, I've further explored how, in the face of societal challenges, brands can responsibly and genuinely influence meaningful change....

As the 2024 US Presidential Election unfolds, I suspect the landscape for brands may fast evolve into one where taking a stand on social and political issues is simultaneously expected and scrutinized. Brand activism, while not a new phenomenon, finds itself under a magnifying glass with stakes higher than ever before. Audiences are both more attentive and more cynical, demanding alignment with corporate policies and behaviors alongside brand purpose and core values. This calls for a nuanced approach, where the question isn't whether or not to take a stand, but rather how to do so in a way that is sincere, impactful and true to a brand's essence.

The Imperative of Brand Purpose

In this context of heightened scrutiny, the clarity and genuineness of a brand's purpose can provide a blueprint for meaningful engagement and action, directly addressing people’s evolving expectations in today's choice-saturated market. Consumers and employees crave connections that extend beyond transactions, yearning to align with brands that mirror their personal values and deliver high quality products and services while also having a net positive impact. Shifting expectations are steadily transforming the paradigm for brands, making it essential to do more than simply react to external pressures, current events and the cultural calendar…. And, instead, approach adopting a position on current issues as a strategic decision. It's all about fostering differentiation, loyalty, and growth, underpinned by a purpose that resonates deeply with customers, employees, investors and the wider public.

Yet, embarking on this path is not without its challenges. The landscape is riddled with potential pitfalls, from accusations of virtue signaling to the financial implications of misaligned actions. From Gillette's "The Best Men Can Be" in 2019 to backlash faced by brands like Bud Light and Target last year, controversies stirred underscore the range of risks involved. Despite these challenges, the rewards of a purpose-driven approach—enhanced brand loyalty, talent attraction, amplified impact, influencing behavior change and financial growth—offer compelling reasons for brands to take stands while navigating these waters carefully.

Navigating the Spectrum of Brand Activism

Guided by purpose, taking a stand is a nuanced, not binary, decision reflecting a brand’s commitment to champion change. From acting as allies to becoming full-fledged activists, the spectrum for taking a stand requires brands to consider their core reason for being, the issues they are genuinely positioned to influence, their audiences’ perspectives and their appetite for risk.

Allies in Action: Supporting Causes Without Overstepping

The role of an ally in brand leadership is pivotal—it involves offering support while ensuring alignment with the brand’s purpose and not overreaching. At one end of the spectrum, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade exemplified allyship this past Thanksgiving. Unlike the LA Dodgers which flip-flopped in its support for diverse voices and inclusivity, Macy’s stood strong in a testament to its commitment to community values.

LEGO, a brand synonymous with creativity and development, has built its purpose around inspiring children to think creatively. Through the LEGO Foundation, the company supports children's education worldwide. This purpose naturally extends to gender equality in children, which requires a delicate balance to accommodate wide-ranging stakeholder perspectives. Yet, it's a move that, when piloted thoughtfully, aligns with their commitment to human potential.

The Fifteen Percent Pledge demonstrates how partnership can lead to impactful change. Brands like Nordstrom, Macy’s and Sephora partner with this nonprofit to reflect the 15% of the U.S. population that is Black, dedicating an equivalent percentage of shelf space to Black-owned brands. A commitment to equity that powerfully illustrates how competing brands can be allies in action, driving industry-wide and social transformation.

Advocates Amplifying Voices: Supporting Causes Aligned with Core Operations

Advocacy takes allyship a step further using a brand's reach to support causes that resonate deeply with its core business. KitchenAid, a brand built by women, stands for possibility in the kitchen. Advancing women in the culinary arts, it’s focused on challenging inequality. The documentary short, “A Woman’s Place,” showcased at the Tribeca Film Festival, highlighted emerging women chefs fighting gender inequality. KitchenAid’s partnership with the James Beard Foundation further amplifies this cause through educational tools and mentorship for women to build their culinary businesses.

Similarly, IKEA UK’s partnership with Shelter to train ‘Life at Home Experts’ from early 2023 addresses housing instability and supports those in precarious situations. The brand’s 'Real Life Roomsets' initiative reveals the reality of those living in temporary accommodations, with £1 from duvets sold donated to Shelter. Through this program IKEA reinforces its commitment to improving life at home for all.

Outdoor retailer REI has harnessed its influence to educate and mobilize its community on climate change, access to outdoor spaces, and the protection of public lands. Their advocacy has resulted in tangible policy changes, demonstrating the power of collective voice. Since 2021, more than 200,000 members of the REI community have written to elected officials urging action on climate, equity and conservation, helping secure 9 historic wins for life outside

Activists Leading the Charge: Initiating Change that Reflects Deep-Seated Brand Values

At the far end of the spectrum, brands taking up activist causes tend to take bold stances, challenging policies and advocating for a range of social issues from sustainability to human rights. Their actions, while sometimes controversial, exemplify a commitment to leading change that stretches beyond direct business operations. Here brands leverage their influence to initiate and lead change reflective of their deep-seated beliefs and values.

Ecotricity in the UK is archetypical, taking a strong stance on environmental issues, openly challenging government policies and actively developing sustainable solutions. The brand’s action go further than their green energy provision, having a significant impact on wider societal issues.

Cosmetics company Lush actively gives a voice to numerous social issues it cares about, ranging from animal rights to human rights, thereby exemplifying how brand activism can encompass a wide array of societal concerns, especially in founder-led organizations. Cognizant that behavioral change may take time, the brand often partners with grassroot non-profits and campaign groups that are centered on specific causes.

Oatly’s bold promotion of plant-based living challenges the dairy industry to disclose climate footprints, leading and provoking industry-wide accountability and transparency. This past May, the brand called Big Dairy to task with full-page ads in NYT, LA Times and WAPO, and two adjacent billboards in Times Square, Hollywood Blvd.

Guiding Principles for Purposeful Engagement

Five foundational principles will guide alignment with purpose and stakeholder expectations when taking a stand:

  1. Assess Purpose Fit and Stretch. Map Your Ecosystem.

Explore your brand's ecosystem to understand its potential influence and impact across broader stakeholder and global narratives. Identify where your purpose intersects with relevant social issues, societal needs, and environmental concerns through mapping the landscape of brand touchpoints—from supply chain intricacies to customer interactions. Mapping reveals opportunities for relevant engagement, highlighting where your brand can make a meaningful difference without straying from foundational values.

  1. Segment by Ideology. Read Between the Lines.

Understand the nuanced and potentially conflicting perspectives and expectations - spoken and unspoken - of customers, employees, investors and other stakeholder to identify red flags. Conduct in-depth analyses to uncover differing ideologies, paying close attention to both overt and subtle cues in communications. Craft stances that resonate with your purpose and that are important to your most material audiences, while navigating ideological divides with sensitivity and insight.

  1. Develop Purpose Architecture. Craft a Dual-Brand Dialogue.

Construct a strategic framework that delineates the distinct roles your corporate and product brands play in championing social causes informed by a refined understanding of different audience perspectives and expectations. Identify issues that are resonant on a corporate level—often those that reflect employee values, culture and operating principles—while leveraging product brands to address causes linked to their value proposition and brand persona. A dual dialogue will foster a cohesive yet flexible approach to taking stands.

  1. Stand Firm with Courage. Prepare to Navigate Backlash.

Embrace a steadfast commitment to your chosen stance, bolstered by a comprehensive crisis management plan that anticipates and addresses potential backlash, underscoring resilience and dedication to brand values amidst challenges. Develop strategies that encompass a spectrum of responses, from wholehearted support to critical opposition, and commit to periodic reassessment of your stance to maintain relevance and alignment with evolving societal dynamics.

  1. Unify Cross-Functionally. Ensure Your House Is in Order.

Foster a culture of collaboration and alignment across all departments, from marketing and PR to HR and operations, ensuring a unified front in your brand's advocacy efforts. Before publicizing your stance, engage in comprehensive internal communication to secure buy-in and coherence across the organization. Cross-functional unity strengthens a brand's position and mitigates the potential for internal discord or public flip-flopping in the face of scrutiny.

The Marketer’s Fiduciary Role

As we distill these guiding principles into practice, the fiduciary role of marketers comes sharply into focus, bridging the gap between strategic purpose and tangible action. Experience consistently has shown me that brands can have a significant influence over the way we think and behave, imbuing brand leaders with a capacity to effect change on pressing global issues, from the climate crisis to deeply rooted systemic social challenges. And I strongly believe this power uniquely positions marketers as agents for societal transformation, entrusting them to guide public discourse towards meaningful action.

Yet, simultaneously, I know it is imperative that brand leaders navigate the delicate balance between their personal convictions and fiduciary duty to uphold a brand's values and promises…. Rather than co-opt the brands they manage with personal agendas, especially in public companies. The business risks to do otherwise are too high.

More so than ever, today’s heightened environment demands that brand leaders strategically align each decision to take a stand with purpose so that it reinforces a brand’s core identity and values while also resonating with audience expectations. This responsibility further underscores the importance of marketers supporting brands that align with their personal values and that also empower them to responsibly contribute to our evolving global narrative.

Beyond the ballot, shaping our future

As the presidential election nears, the imperative for brands to engage thoughtfully and sincerely with societal issues will likely become more pronounced. Through considering the different ways to take a stand and adhering to strategic principles, brand leaders will more readily navigate a complex socio-political landscape with integrity. Rooting engagement in purpose and being cognizant of potentially wide-ranging stakeholder perspectives will enhance brand reputation and loyalty while also contributing to a more informed, engaged, and conscientious society. With heightened expectations, the choices brands make today enhance both their narrative and society’s, underscoring the transformative power of taking a stand with purpose.


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Tags: Sustainability, Marketing, CSR

Shaping our Future: Themes for brand leadership in 2024
January 09, 2024

In the midst of the chaos of current events, the intersection of brand leadership and social responsibility continues to be significant. As Isaac Newton’s third law of motion teaches us, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Today, this principle aptly applies to the evolving responsibility of the business sector in progressing society.

In many ways, backlash to business’s transforming role is a natural outcome of the ongoing crises we are facing geopolitically and increased lack of trust in government and longstanding institutions. Despite this, brand leaders continue to advance purpose, sustainability and social responsibility from corporate buzzwords to central elements of brand identity and corporate culture - albeit, many are doing so more quietly.

Over the past few months, I’ve seen several themes have emerged for brand leaders to keep in mind as they continue their journey along the pathway to purpose and sustainability this year.

1. Foster Genuine Allyship

2023, most notably the Bud Light-Dylan Mulvaney crisis, may have well marked a turning point for allyship. It is no longer acceptable for brands to engage in one-off campaigns or token support. Consider Nike’s “Pride for Life”, which weaved inclusivity into its narrative in ways that aligned with purpose and stakeholder expectations. The campaign extended beyond typical Pride Month activities, demonstrating year-round commitment to the LGBT community and how effective allyship demands continuous, strategic support, underpinned by an understanding of the causes and communities a brand champions.

The takeaway: Develop a nuanced communications strategy that remains firm, even amidst backlash and shifting sentiment, and distinguishes external from internal and product from corporate brand messaging.

2.  Navigate Beyond Green and Hush

The journey beyond greenwashing and greenhushing is nuanced and requires a deep commitment to environmental integrity. 2023 underscored the importance of striking a balance between greenwashing and greenhushing. More than before, consumers, stakeholders and government regulation all scrutinize environmental claims, demanding transparent communication and proof of real action. Procter & Gamble strikes a balance through their Ambition 2030 initiatives. Focusing on sustainability across climate, waste, water and nature, P&G has set ambitious goals that they integrate into their marketing communications.

The takeaway: Ensure environmental claims are substantiated by concrete actions and clear impact assessments. Transparency in communication is key to navigating beyond greenwashing, establishing genuine sustainability credentials and enabling people to buy from, work with or invest in companies that are sincerely pursuing sustainability.

3.  New Norms in Transparency

Transparency is about more than achievements. It’s about fostering a culture of openness that invites all stakeholders to participate in a brand’s evolutionary journey. Fast to call companies out, people will forgive brands that are humanlike and share the challenges they face as they’re working to improve. Apple’s “Mother Nature” campaign did just this, as it shared the brand’s progress toward achieving – and surpassing – its sustainability goals. Their easy to follow narrative is highly relatable, designed to resonate with a broad audience. Revealing occasional missteps, the brand presents a more vulnerable, human image than usual – providing a blueprint for others to follow, even as some claims warrant further scrutiny.

The takeaway: Embrace a holistic approach in communicating sustainability efforts. Sharing the entire journey—including ongoing efforts and challenges—fosters trust and simultaneously invites stakeholder participation.

4. Engagement as a Movement Starter

For many brands, engagement moved beyond traditional interaction in 2023 to inspiring collective action and fostering a movement. Oatly, the Swedish milk producer, exemplified this with their bold Times Square billboard campaign. Known for its unconventional marketing, Oatly’s Times Square billboard presented a simple yet powerful message about the environmental impact of dairy production, urging consumers to consider oat milk as a sustainable alternative. The campaign was thought-provoking, encouraging critical thinking about our food choices and their associated environmental impact.

The takeaway: Elevate brand engagement so that it motivates positive behavioral change. Challenge consumers to think and act differently. Thought-provoking messaging will enhance brand reputation and amplify impact through contributing to broader societal and environmental change.

5.  Purposefully Agile

As the world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, brands face the challenge of being nimble while staying true to their purpose and foundational principles. It’s a delicate balance between agility and adherence to core values. Beko, the Turkish home appliance brand, masterfully navigated this with their ‘Healthy Kitchen’ initiative. Redefining kitchens as centers of health and sustainability while aligning with Beko’s mission to create environmentally responsible solutions, the brand did much more than launch new products.

The takeaway: Ensure that new products or services strategically align with purpose and simultaneously adapt to rapidly evolving consumer sentiment and cultural shifts. Elevating a brand’s ethos alongside its operational competencies, purpose-led innovation creates more value and fosters more meaningful relationships.

Forging ahead

As we approach 2024, the role of brands in shaping societal norms and stewarding the environment is more prominent than ever. And the actions and strategies adopted by brand leaders can profoundly influence attitudinal and behavioral changes. Five emergent themes reinforce that the journey ahead is about driving business growth and simultaneously contributing meaningfully to societal progress.

At a time of heightened accountability and interconnected challenges, there is little doubt that brand leaders are being called on to be visionaries and realists alike. As custodians of change, they have a unique opportunity to redefine the essence of success, balancing profitability with positive impact by crafting narratives that both resonate in the marketplace and influence culture and sentiment. By embracing this dual role, brand leaders can contribute to a new age where business and societal well-being are inextricably linked – and foster a future in which success is measured in financial terms and the lasting, positive imprint the business sector leaves on society and the planet.


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Tags: Sustainability, Marketing, CSR

2024: Five Mandates for Purposeful Leadership and Impact
January 02, 2024

Every New Year begins with a slate of good intentions and ambitious goals. As we stand on the threshold of 2024, amidst the buzz of ongoing geo-political conflicts, alarming news about climate change, ESG backlash, and increasing concern about the future of democracy, I have been reflecting on both the challenges and opportunities that brand leaders face.


Over the past few years, the media alongside marketers, human resource professionals and PR/communications advisors, has promoted numerous narratives about the importance of business embracing brand purpose. Yet, as we’ve moved forward, the say-do gap has remained, and for many organizations implementation of purpose has not necessarily advanced. Importantly, this gap is about more than failing to meet promises – or even true intentions; it’s about a commitment to genuine and meaningful change, and the impact of a brand’s actions on engagement with consumers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders; on preserving natural resources and regenerating the environment; on social equity and inclusion; and ultimately, on sustainable medium and long-term financial performance.


The Strategic Imperative to Close the Say-Do Gap

With global warming, wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the US presidential election and more, 2024 will likely represent a pivotal year. Increasingly shaped by the complex political landscape and global dynamics that define our era, the role business plays in the larger societal ecosystem arguably has never been more critical. And even more so than before, brand leaders will be called upon to earnestly bridge the gap between intentions and actions. With this backdrop, a commitment to purpose must be an unwavering growth strategy – driving every campaign, innovation, policy and procedure; evident across operations; and embedded into organizational culture and across each touchpoint of the brand experience…. Even as political uncertainties call brand leaders to pause and be cautious as they step up brand development and transparency about initiatives and programs.


As I work with clients and industry leaders and speak with students I increasingly see how purpose can be so much more than a buzzword: how purpose is a concept that transcends the latest marketing or management trend. And how when effectively activated, purpose is the cornerstone of sustainable success and ethical leadership that underpins stronger financial performance.


So as the new year begins, here are five mandates that will help guide brand leaders to create – not only envision – a better future for their brands and all of us.


Five Mandates for Evolving Purpose in 2024
  1. Translate Aspirations into Tangible Realities: Like brand leaders we hold up as the gold standard, move beyond the comfort of aspirational narratives. This demands more than visionary thinking. It requires a gritty commitment to making difficult choices, fostering innovation that aligns with brand purpose, and being transparent about both your progress and shortcomings. Demonstrate a clear point-of-view on the reason you exist and courageously (and measuredly) transform lofty ideals into concrete actions.
  2. Act Thoughtfully and Sincerely: 2024 will require brands to be more introspective as they develop more authentic initiatives and programs that add more value. It’s not enough to perform actions that appear purposeful; deeds must genuinely resonate with a brand’s ethos, consumer’s needs, urgent climate action and shifting cultural sentiment. Scrutinize your activities through the lens of purpose, ensuring that impact is not just visible but deeply felt and aligned with the real-world challenges your brand aims to address.
  3. Embrace a Societal Role: As the human faces of companies, brands increasingly are expected to actively participate in society as citizens– albeit to varying degree and evolving consumer permission, dependent upon their purpose. In 2024, a wider systems perspective will be necessary to understand how actions contribute to or detract from national and global systemic challenges such as climate change, social equity and gender equality. Innovate responsibly: carefully weighing the implications purpose-driven campaigns and taking a stance will have on all material audiences, and fostering collaborations that transcend traditional business boundaries and amplify impact.
  4. Incorporate Long-Term Well-being in Performance Metrics: 2024 will continue to insist on a radical rethinking of KPIs and how to measure success. Short-term financial gains must be balanced against employee well-being, supply chain relationships and long-term societal and environmental health. Champion metrics that value ethical practices, social equity, respectful relationships and ecological preservation, even if it means challenging established norms of business success.
  5. Elevate Ethics, Honesty and Impact as Guiding Principles: As people crave authenticity, guiding principles for 2024 should be uncompromising. Good governance will be more than a lofty ideal. Ethics, honesty and impact will emerge as essential for cultivating trust and excellence. Make decisions that are profitable and simultaneously mutually beneficial for customers, employees, investors, local communities and wider stakeholders, including society writ large and the environment.
A Year of Purposeful Commitment

Whether it’s in response to societal needs, environmental concerns or evolving consumer expectations, purpose can guide brands – and each of us – to be relentlessly authentic and transparent. So, on New Year’s Eve, I invite you to join me in welcoming 2024 as the year of purposeful commitment. As an opportunity to reinforce dedication to transforming brand aspirations into tangible realities that shape a future in which purposeful change is actively – and continuously – pursued.


You can learn more about emergent themes for brand leadership in 2024 here.

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Tags: Sustainability, Marketing, CSR

The Importance of Connection: Lessons for Brands from an Unplugged Journey
August 23, 2023

"What do you do when you're on a train for a day of meetings in the big city and discover you don’t have your phone...?"

That's the question that I was forced to consider the other day on my journey from Connecticut’s Eastern Shoreline to New York City. And doing so shined a light on our evolving relationship with technology and the power of human kindness  - as well as reinforced the imperative for brands to take purpose-driven action.

An Unplugged Odyssey

The ground slipped from under me as the Metro-North train doors closed, and I realized I didn’t have my phone. No WiFi on the train to fire off messages to colleagues about the day's meetings. No app or ApplePay to pay for my train ride or the subway once I was in the city. No Uber to go from one place to another if I was running late. And no pay phones to use even if I could find some loose change in my bag. A momentary feeling of panic because I hadn’t planned on managing my day unplugged…

Followed by the recognition that I had little choice to do anything other than to surrender to my circumstances. And as I did so, I opened myself to recognize (in a safe and secure way) how our world is no longer set up for those who don’t have a ubiquitous smartphone and to firsthand experience lessons in contrast—between the kindness of strangers and the rigidity of rules and between human empathy and indifference.

A fellow traveler's generosity lending me his phone underpinned our shared humanity, regardless of the differences in our outward appearances and demographics. This stranger’s simple act of kindness spoke volumes about the potential for human connection, even in a world dominated by screens, polarized by ideology and struggling with indifference.

Unfortunately, not everyone mirrored this man’s compassion. A debate with a steadfast train conductor underscored how easily routines and regulations can overshadow real human limitations. And, well, one woman’s actions just are not appropriate to share here.

The Tech-Centric Paradox

Although I often reference our dependence on technology, the absence of my smartphone truly spotlighted the extent to which technology shapes our daily routines – and the things that are no longer possible to do without it. Tasks that have become almost second nature, such as paying for transportation and coordinating meeting points, suddenly were daunting without my phone in hand. It was a striking reminder of the digital divide, a gap that often goes unnoticed as we revel in technological progress.

As I sat on the train without a screen, I found myself pondering how brands play a role as architects of societal norms. What if brands embraced transformation and, also, committed to making their resultant innovations accessible to all? What if they strive to bridge the gap between the tech-savvy and the digitally marginalized? It’s no surprise that this is where brand purpose enters the stage.

Embracing Kindness and Purpose

Even more so than emphasizing the technological intricacies of our daily life, unintentionally not having my phone reinforced the significance of kindness, gratitude and making a positive impact. With monitors clamoring for our attention 24/7, genuine human connection may catch us off-guard – and feel like a rarity. And yet, as I experienced the generosity of a stranger, I truly sensed the immeasurable value such connections hold.

So, how can brands leverage their influence to foster empathy, inclusivity and purpose? How can they contribute to a world where technological advancements don't inadvertently widen the gaps between us through cultivating authentic human connection?

A Call to Action for Brands

In a landscape dominated by screens, being disconnected mirrored the broader challenges and opportunities we face – as individuals and as brand leaders. I continue to believe that we all have a responsibility to drive positive change, especially those who command influence. Brands can be agents of transformation, catalysts for bridging disparities and hallmarks for empathy – because they have the power to sway how we think and how we behave.

By prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility, brands can reshape our cultural narrative. They can use their power to ensure that no one is left behind. It's a path that aligns with the ethos of social responsibility and good citizenship and one that empowers brands to be forces for good.

While technology connects us virtually, it's our actions, our empathy and our relationships that truly interconnect us. And I’m encouraged by the possibilities that lie ahead. Brands, with their immense reach and influence, can place themselves at the forefront of change…. So let's use this opportunity to champion kindness, embrace the broader intention of purpose and pave a way for a future where technology and humanity harmoniously coexist.

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Tags: CSR, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership

Brand Leaders: Choose transparency over greenhushing
January 13, 2023

Is greenhushing – or brands intentionally taking steps to stay quiet about their climate strategies, programs and initiatives – gaining traction as business leaders’ concerns about greenwashing heighten?

As people progressively call on the business sector to take greater action on climate change and social issues, brands increasingly are marketing and communicating their sustainability efforts. And as our depth of knowledge and understanding about sustainability enhances our understanding of what is and is not greenwashing, the bar for efficacy rises and escalates scrutiny of claims. And so it’s no surprise greenhushing is becoming a thing.

A challenge to remain relevant

Many brand leaders, entrepreneurs, and marketers I speak with admittedly feel wobbly as they’re finding their pathway and adjusting their orientation to demands for greater action. They’re concerned about how to stay relevant with the rules of the game changing before they can master them. They consider new ways to stay in the vanguard, maintain the loyalty and passion of their current fans, and simultaneously cultivate new ones. Other clients and colleagues I meet opt for a more comfortable route, centering corporate communications on sustainability goals and ambitions (perhaps taking their lead from governments) rather than on committing to tangible plans for the year, outcomes and impact. Alongside this, some brand/product managers continue to mistakenly (and even naively) consider things from vertical perspectives – in isolation – rather than take on a wider systems perspective in their sustainable product development and innovation. (Think recycled plastic and plastic waste, as a ready example.)

And others still are having an ever harder time adapting. Still hoping to return to the former status quo, they feel manic as they react to events in one-offs, rushing around chasing dozens of initiatives. Using trial and error, rather than taking a moment to pause and step back, they are managing —barely—to stand afloat in our overly turbulent world. They, too, are chasing relevance. They know things have changed, but many of their efforts to adjust to the overlapping environmental, social and political crises are yielding piecemeal results. Among many false starts, they find pockets of great success whether with new products, marketing initiatives, cool apps and videos, and the like. Yet frustratingly the “parts” are not adding up to greater than the whole as they hope.

The only way is forward

While some brand leaders may view silence about sustainability initiatives as the safe bet in terms of reputation management and risk management, it’s not necessarily good governance or even the smartest marketing and communications strategy. Coca Cola, Disney and Delta have all learned this lesson the hard way. People’s expectations of brands – and for the business sector overall – have shifted. And there’s no going back. Only forward.

Transparency cultivates trust

Transparency into how brands are responding to the challenges we face and to how organizational leaders are mitigating existential risks are important for consumers, employees and investors alike…. Whether it’s choosing a product to buy, an employer to work for or a company to invest in, knowing the actions a brand is taking guides everyone to make better decisions and increases demand for brands across sectors to responsibly consider all stakeholders – including the environment and society – on the pathway to living purpose and creating a better future for everyone. Transparency is essential to cultivating trust, and trust is essential for long-term success as traditional models for business are disrupted by necessity.

Brands catalyze attitudinal and behavioral change

As 2023 progresses, the list of environmental and social issues companies will need to address likely will grow longer – more complex and more interconnected. And as brand leaders focus on strengthening resiliency, marketing and communications professionals have an extraordinary opportunity to do good through product innovation, enhancing the customer experience and, yes, communications and campaigns that inform and educate. The possibilities to amplify impact will continue to expand as marcomms broadens its perspective and considers relationships/interdependencies and feedback loops, actors and trends across the wider social and environmental systems in which they interact.

Brands have the opportunity – and responsibility – to catalyze attitudinal and behavior change. After all, brands have the power to transform organizations and social norms. Because they have the influence to change the way we think and act.

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Tags: Sustainability, Marketing


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